Monday, October 14, 2013

This is just sad. Instead of teaching more of us male apes that it

Headlong: noirish novel about news, protest, and a long hot summer
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This unsourced carpet cleaning machines photo depicts a thermochromic communinal urinal that allows gentlemen (and suitably trained ladies) to paint psychedelic rainbows on its surface using only the steaming fury of their piss-streams. Thermochromic urinal ( via Neatorama )
I write books. My latest is a YA science fiction novel called Homeland (it's the sequel to Little carpet cleaning machines Brother ). More books: Rapture of the Nerds (a novel, with Charlie Stross); With a Little Help (short stories); and The Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow (novella and nonfic). I speak all over the place and I tweet and tumble , too.
BB cross-reference for the win!
PicqueOfTaste says:
Yep, ladies. The inner labia is all that stands between you and upright pissing. Just pull them out of the way if need be and practice. You too can piss against a wall and impress friends at parties with it.
I don’t understand how easily the details are lost from photos like this. Surely the person who took the photo and posted it somewhere, or emailed it to a friend or whatever, included information about where it was? Why isn’t this information passed along?
This is just sad. Instead of teaching more of us male apes that it’s more civilised to exercise certain bodily functions inside a stall and not parade them around in full view (or even half view for that matter), we’re encouraging men to piss like dogs with stupid “enhancements” like this. And it’s even scarier that some women might also want to do the same even when it’s not just due to a hygiene problem with the available seats or some other very pragmatic concern.
Anonymous says:
Anonymous says:
At the Rattle and Hum restaurant in Cairns Australia, the pissoir wall is a one way mirror, so you can observe the patrons right on the other side of the glass while relieving yourself. carpet cleaning machines That also makes for some interesting piddle play.
allybeag says:
“â suitably trained ladies â !” Yes, I know about Sheewees, but using one in a place where men are peeing â and how would said men feel, were I to whip out my sheewee? I suspect a lot of shyness might result rather quickly.
I remember being at a party once where a woman was betting men that they could not take a wizz while she was holding it for them. A few took the bet and not one of them achieved wizzdom. Interesting test I thought.
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