"There are no rules, a person can wear glasses ones ten years, the second year in exchange," said Kaire Saaremäe Lensoptika store manager, who said spectacle lenses should be replaced if the scratches are going to disrupt the overall housekeeping look.
According to him, the most densely get glasses for error if they are not kept properly and spectacle glasses left on the table below. However, the particles may get into the glass is often also the surrounding environment.
"In many workplaces, for example, is sawed, planed, however, such as during the autumn soareth the street, a lot of sharp sand and dust. The particles fall into the glass and cleaning the eyeglass lens is rubbed along the grain of sand, and so it kriimustubki, "explained Saaremäe.
Since most of the lenses today are plastic, they are also susceptible to large fluctuations in temperature. Saaremäe gives the example of a hot oven and peek up the gift of being too close, while forgetting the glasses in the car, where the sun rises very high temperatures.
Plastic housekeeping warms up and expands when the temperature suddenly drops significantly, then he pulls together. But, the cover glass is not so elastic, and it may crack - microcracks occur as a spider's web log formations, "described the Saaremäe.
Lately, he says, reverting to the store in kodukeemiaga problems after exposure. "For example, a chemical is injected, and it gets no stronger glasses. Often, it can be etched through the surface of the glass. Bullets can also cause hair spray, "added Saaremäe.
In order to eyeglasses or spectacles remain healthy as long as possible, it should Saaremäe said they always put on and take off for a two-handed, to clean the lens with a soft cotton cloth or a special microfibre housekeeping cloth and lukewarm water is used for washing, which can also add a drop of dishwashing detergent.
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