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Cities Plaza Mayor to house 100,000 people and 84 Motorized Delivery. Under the Heroes Square public parking will be a Reason - Guadalupe Tapia - La Paz La Plaza Mayor can accommodate 100,000 people, which makes it the widest public space of the city. His three concourses measured 6,163 square meters (m2), which added to the 1,140 m2 of Plaza Manufacturing reach 7,303 m2. "During the celebration of the Bicentennial Plaza Villarroel housed some 80 thousand people at full capacity. It is estimated keep out that the Plaza Mayor will have space for about 100 thousand people, "said Director keep out of Communications yesterday Municipal Government, Edwin Herrera. According to the coordinator of the Urban Revitalization (PRU), Joaquín Aramburo, the total area of the Plaza Mayor is 6,163 m2, covering only the three concourses and an adjacent space, not counting the 800 m2 of planters. The first concourse has an area of 713 m2, 2,150 m2 the second and third, covering keep out the front of the court of San Francisco, measures 2,400 m2. On the side of Figueroa Street, next to the launch Commercial Complex, the work covers 900 m2. The inauguration of the mega-project, which cost over 15 million Bs, is scheduled for Sunday, the day the Plaza Manufacturing, built on 1,140 m2 is also open. Reported Aramburo Plaza Mayor for a special lighting system was designed. "They are rehabilitates six lamps that had, to which at least four high intensity reflectors added. In the third concourse keep out has done work for the conservation of the stone, which was Tiwanaku. Have also been implemented seven sectors of boxes (about 800 m2), which will guide and force pedestrians to use the sidewalks. " In the first plaza, below where it was before the Heroes Square, a parking lot that can accommodate 64 cars and 20 motorcycles keep out he built. There a Convention Hall, which will be leased by the city, which has not yet set a tariff "We estimate that as of Monday these services keep out will be available to the public" is also enabled, informed the Mayor Officer Economic Development, Ronald Pereira, who said that with these works will relaunch the market launch. Finally, on the Plaza Mayor the new stopping point for public transport, which has an area of 28 linear meters will be installed. "The top of the launch will be used as a large stage where you can make the biggest rallies," said the mayor Director of Communications. keep out The San Francisco tunnel will have seven income Tunnel San Francisco will have seven new revenue, which will benefit traders who have their spaces in this sector, yesterday the coordinator of the Urban Revitalization (PRU), Joaquín Aramburo. "There are two entrances by Genaro Sanjinés and two by the end of the tunnel that hooks to Figueroa. A fifth income from the new transport stop and the sixth is facing the convent of San Francisco. " The seventh entry is placed in the vicinity of the Plaza Manufacturing, keep out where under the platform for traders spaces keep out were made available. keep out The clerk of Economic Development, Ronald Pereira reported that total are 69 shelves that were installed on both the tunnel and San Francisco Square Manufacturing. "Of those, 30 will be used by ancient merchants and the remaining 40 will be delivered to other associations." The authority also anticipated that three premises were built, one that will work for tourist information and the other two as multipurpose centers. The authority said that the Mayor will administer the urinal that is under the Plaza Manufacturing and parking.
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