Sunday, April 13, 2014

We arrived full of problems, then .. What happens .. And the role of Wonder ... It is time, short s

Walid Rabah - Editor in Chief Many Arabs are thieves .. and more Arabs rulers of banditry .. Then what Istuser follow from the lining of the Minister for a period abbadabbas of time to tread worn clothing Mhlhlha
Walid Rabah - Editor in Chief Many Arabs are thieves abbadabbas .. and more Arabs rulers of banditry .. What then follow it from the lining of Istuser the minister abbadabbas for a period of time barefoot torn clothes Mhlhlha figuratively, but then Eetmters power for a period of time may have been short so you built the building and bought a car and met him a bunch of guards and the newborn and its ability abbadabbas to influence abbadabbas and affect the day the moon together abbadabbas .. and then married in secret and in one, two or three times does not come in the fourth it was probably the judge ... All that being informed that the brain Sheikh (thieves), to steal the Kohl from the eye .. At the point where the top after he has sworn to maintain the alliance with the state invalidates the same night for the right to protest in front of the other ministers that he would make people in a maximum period of years, and sharpen the bit did not think to change the rules again .. As it happened and what will happen to the rest for you deported ...
And trivial things are going soft ... Every day is increasing and decreasing the noble thief ... Getting prostitutes and shorten Silks ... In education, science and arming the army and the economy, salaries abbadabbas and bonuses, security, Freedom and democracy are prone to mood swings thief Sheikh policy .. The people abbadabbas who believe that the air is fed to him ... Feed them and saw that he was not find it anywhere .. At the end gives Ibra narcotic people come to us on the air to talk about the honor and dignity, freedom and democracy, sister, other things we just do not see in our dreams .. So that part of Dazy.
It goes without saying that Sheikh thieves know what to do .. In manhood HLH turn a blind eye by the image of various Vagtant .. And between the middle finger of the right hand and says, referring referred to the security and the army and the whole nation had been under his command ... Kill Fiktheloa .. Appears dead bodies forming ... And the lack of muggers Sheikh to provide a program of diet and the last to go the bathroom and the third pair to single her husband on a certain day and time some ... Sheikh left the looters, but the closing of the bathroom at a time specified by the principal all worked up by Both Faonf ruling from talking to people who feel the smell Attnh ...
We arrived full of problems, then .. What happens .. And the role of Wonder ... It is time, short stories, saying abbadabbas that changing the years of the universe ... But I fear what I fear to be rulers, rebels ... And even the rulers in one time .. Destroying revolutionaries so between our hopes and muggers that (Alontjah) and in all that we say ... enough where we are confused .. should go even ruling is a statue of gold .. And our God.
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