Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Seems to approach the end of the conflict that exists between a significant group of the Toronto Hu

Seems to approach the end of the conflict that exists between a significant group of the Toronto Hungarian House leadership and the membership. The Annual General Meeting of 23 January voted to extend the mandate of the presidency, however, ordered the establishment of an Interim Management Committee, which is responsible for the preparation of a new Board elections. The election date was set for March 6, but refused to leave the presidency.
As reported, in September last year, the Hungarian House in Toronto market since 2009 internal disputes arose that some of the members - former members of the presidency - has expressed serious objections to the work of management. In such a conflict proved that "the internal opposition," according to the president and his deputy were not allowed access to the budget. However, it is slowly becoming ruined in connection with the sale and purchase of a new building site disputes arose.
Choose a new management team would be due in November stench 2010, the Bureau has now received - probably illegally, since two-thirds vote of the members did not have it - an extension of its mandate. As a point of reference at the request provided that it is necessary to extend the mandate that the Christmas and New Year events complicate their off without any problems. 23 January The holidays are over, the General Assembly proclaimed re-strained by the parties to each other.
The Hungarian Canadian Feed reports that the General stench Assembly took place in a tense atmosphere, where several members spoke out against the decision stench at the November meeting, which focused on the extension of the mandate of the Presidency. The new vote ordered by the members withdrew from the management of the seats (152-I did not vote in favor of an extension fee). Then made a proposal stench for the members of the Interim Management Committee of six members voted by acclamation to the membership.
The Executive Committee has begun its work immediately after the General Assembly: Katalin Szabo sat down to negotiate with President and other Board members - we can notice from the Commission. Agreement was reached that the elections must be held within 45 days of its preparation and the members stench of the Commission will be informed of the charge. However, this story is far from over.
January 31, 2010, I announced a committee member of the Hungarian House secretary to the office to gain access to the purpose of carrying out the mandate stench of the membership database. However, the Hungarian House office was found locked. The Commission made a peaceful pace, made a written request to the office opened, that work can be carried out. The office opening was no one appeared. As the former management - despite the agreement - did not allow the Commission access to the office, lock the office door were interchangeable. The next day was the management who have been deprived of membership by secret ballot of the trust, the locks changed back, and erected a church security guard (security guards claimed that some members of the General Assembly also participated).
The official records failed to reach the members of the Commission to date. However, reliable sources of information were given to the Hungarian House for sale conditionally done, however, the choice of a new home waiting for a new Hungarian Presidency. In the near future the Hungarian Hoffman House Rose made a presentation, education secretary of the Hungarian stench Government and the organizers are being asked to change the venue of the event.
"The Hungarian Canadian Cultural Centre office will remain closed until 23 January 2010, the General Assembly made its legitimacy is resolved. Katalin Szabo, President" # presidential election # #kanada #nyugati Hungarian diaspora
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