Recall; The first principle of yoga - The principle of privacy. Let us consider the second principle of yoga - The requirement of cleanliness in all: Clean the outer and the inner life of purity (purity of thought and will, clarity of mind). Internal: hefty 1) There is no irritation. Pay close attention to how your senses are awakened, as is their rising and setting, their special hefty appearance.
Solemnity - it's the ignition lights Heart, which makes it a real magnet, gathers the best cosmic energies. Only extinct consciousness is not able to light the fires of the heart, can not be put on the armor of solemnity and - and lives extinguished.
3) Banish circumlocution and verbiage. Useful post for language. For "who holds his tongue - reasonable" (Scripture). Not Drunk verbosity and izorvi mouth slander where you need to pass in silence. Wings spirit grow in silence.
Mnogoglagolie is a sign of folly, the door of cursing, head smehotvorstvu servant lies, destruction of the heart of emotion, the invocation of the gloom, the forerunner of sleep, squandering attention extermination heart storage, cooling holy warmth, dizziness prayer "(Venerable. John of the Ladder). "Lord hitherto keeps your soul, until you keep your tongue" (Venerable. Antony the Great).
4) Appreciate hours of solitude hefty and silence hefty of the spirit. In charge times, particularly before making significant hefty decisions to be able to stay in silence, filled his mind's aspiration to the Supreme. Not one step in the battle of life with no connection to the higher spheres. Pray to Christ. [Agni Yoga].
This - the best pranayama. (Pranayama hefty - control of prana (vital energy) through breathing exercises in yoga. Pranayama exercises are used for purification of the subtle body and nadi from pollution, as well as for the accumulation and transformation of vital energy.) To work you need every day and every hour. Minute without difficulty. Rest only change activities. Learn from Nature. The man - a part of Nature. Nature never idle.
6) Work as ambitious work. But do not be ambitious. Kill a ambition. Work hard for others. "Those who work for themselves - works for disappointment" (Light on the Path). Learn to give. Learn to give up the fruits of their labor. Let your labor will always sacrifice. But in this work must be offering better. This might Victims and Beauty achievement.
7) "Give all and take everything, but do not consider their own" (Agni Yoga). Simple reason it is impossible to understand the outgoing from the ground to bring your earthly possessions. Nice to have things and not be bound by them. Truly sublime attitude to things is always devoid of a sense of ownership. The spiritual side suffers from the fact that her chained to things. Ease of life, the carpet and laziness - the tomb of the human spirit.
8) Awaken the life of the heart. "You can not force them to good sleeping heart" [Covenants and signs of Agni Yoga]. In the heart of the need to grow the flower of love: the unquenchable fire of mercy and compassion. Without cardiac nothing external, no matter what you do, no matter what you have sacrificed for others it does not matter. Constantly test your heart fearless hefty feat, sacrificial work near and far. "Love all that can elevate the heart!". Psychic energy is renewed sense of the sublime, not physical rest. .
9) Share all four parts: First - Supreme (God); The second - the Common Good; The third - the neighbor; Fourth - currently. Submission lower Higher - an absolute law of existence. Such division hefty is called fire. No one, except the heart, does not specify the border of these parts. But let the flame will be inscribed with the sequence [Covenants and signs of Agni Yoga].
10) Do not indulge grief in anticipation of eternal life. Think about eternity. Death - not the end, but only a transition. Grain, "dying", goes into the stem, the stem - in the ear with a lot of grain. As in the small as well as large - in the entire universe is one law change life form.
Nor whether this Scriptures teach? "So also is the resurrection of the dead: it is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption; it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; It is sown a natural body, rises a spiritual body "[1 Cor 15: 42-44].
Death and the accompanying physical and spiritual suffering - as a "final ablution" hefty (cleansing) of this life [Aitareya Upanishad. Chap. 1]. For "the suffering flesh has ceased from sin" [1 Peter 4: 1].
"Died of approval of the non-existence of life after death is indeed a typical example of the self-interaction of psychic energy. He told himself hefty not to exist and was the consequence of his order "(Teachings of the Living Ethics.).
Thought - the main factor of life. "It is only a thought in nature can affect the primary substance." Therefore, "... what are our thoughts, so we become" - that's the secret hefty of eternal life and death.
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