Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Well, we have also decided not to stay away from trendy trends and made himself instagramchik samui

Not so long ago, we conducted an experiment with Pauline: week decided not to read any social networks, blogs and online news. I must say, it was not easy. About as difficult as to be sharply from the usual food and go on a raw food diet. Consumption of information fast food has long turned into addiction. I sit there - put the phone in front of him or aypad. clean Feed the child - in parallel browsing News. Where something has to wait for something - studded phone. Wake up - load frendlentu Facebook. I fall asleep with the phone, too, and even a cover for it has chosen such that it was convenient to read lying down.
Why we decided to try for giving up this information? clean First of all, we started to think logically. Few hours a day we spend on what passed through your own brain events that have to do with us. Someone wrote more artistic and beautiful, someone on one line, someone will post their photos with comments, someone is boiling because clean of injustice, plus news, propaganda different points of view, but the essence is the same: all of this mess - it not ours, it is cooked by other people, it often leaves an unpleasant aftertaste. Our brain acts as a filter, which settles all. Having read the bad news, and imbued with the tragic events of strangers or adversity, we subconsciously are programming clean their own future, which begins to see us in the darkest clean colors.
So, what has changed in a week? To begin with, changed for the better some obvious things: thanks to free up 3-4 hours of time, we have more time to devote to the child, work, sport, started to learn a new language. Naturally, due to the overlap of powerful supply chain of negativity, we became more cheerful, optimistic and fun. Now for the non-obvious. We have become more aware. For example, it has become manifest in some dietary habits. When the head is not busy processing information, such as do not want to encounter some not very healthy food in large quantities. Much more clearly traced the influence of the physical and moral condition of certain products, so our diet has become more healthy (now we eat only fruit and a bit of greenery). It became easier to find common ground with people and it's live chat was to bring a lot more fun. The biggest and obvious breakthrough came in the work: after a long lull, all before our eyes boil and zaburlilo - in all directions. Again I wanted to come back to the blog, and was written much faster and easier than before. Greatly improved the ability to concentrate. In addition, were born ideas that had apparently just could not break through the incoming flow of information from the Internet.
Of course, it is impossible to live in society, do business and be completely free of information, especially as it can be extremely useful, important and even requiring urgent action. Making a decision to block this channel, we knew that any chance there will be something extraordinary, this information alone we find - through friends, through the automatic distribution of announcements from one of the local sites, through the exchange rates, we are constantly monitoring.
I must say, a couple of years ago I came up with an idea for a business - to create a news portal where all the events will be presented in a manner so as not to arouse readers' state of depression, hopelessness, sadness or depression; to keep them up to date and at the same time take care of their peace of mind. It's possible, I know.
By the way, in the light of the analysis of the impact of social networks on human consciousness, we have come to the conclusion that the secret of the popularity instagrama - namely the lack of negativity in this social network. Basically there post to boast something beautiful: their appearance, landscape, interior clean design, dress, successful photograph; and readers enjoy looking at the beautiful pictures and put "likes" ... Well, LJ, with his thoughtful posts, clean I think, quite a short time left. I now that my attachment to him to remind myself of some of his friends, who can not stand to read e-books - Give them only paper.
Well, we have also decided not to stay away from trendy trends and made himself instagramchik samuiland - adds. We do not understand clean very well how it all works, but we're working on it :))
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