Tuesday, January 27, 2015


2008-10-06 2:41:17 p.m. CONCERT ANNOUNCEMENT: - Opening Helga during this year's Ultima Festival baud on several good impression. Me fekk between anna verified EiT aloud level always the most important nine year old Bodø Sinfonietta, foundations knowledge of flute virtuoso Elisabeth Eide and attest that OsloSinfonietta go on tour to Porto and Paris with EiT evocative and humorous repertoire. But the failure to program comment is EiT slowed, write Ballades enroll after the concert this weekend. For foundation
MESSAGE: "New theater meets new music" does not equal sign is heading for four productions that New Music and Black Box saman presents the Ultima. First out was Kim Atle Hansen "Darshan", a framsyning about the human need to be seen. - In other words an important and eternal does not equal sign topical content dei tek up. However lasted there something føreseieleg of the total, write Ballades enroll here. Flattens
COMMENT: - The problem with the Ultima Festival is not that it is too narrow. It has been too long and flat, writes Astrid does not equal sign Kvalbein in this commentary, which was first published in Aftenposten Wednesday. Kvalbein think Ultima presentation of new music is more influenced by habit than by unexpected choices, and that the festival has become more concerned does not equal sign about quantity than to convey an artistic profile. Therefore, she sees an irony in that year's theme is pluralism. Melancholia - Light composer of the opera black box
OPERA REVIEW: - Final standing opera performed on the program in Bjørvika! An opera by Georg Friederich Haas and Jon Fosse is not an insignificant event: composer and playwright has been called executors respectively Mozart does not equal sign and Ibsen. But works a portrait of the Norwegian painter Hertervig opera, ask Ballades reviewer having seen the staging of Melancholia at the opening does not equal sign of the Ultima Festival. Pluralism - Deliver the?
ULTIMA PROGRAM STATEMENT: It is in recognition that the best music is still a resistor music, that ULTIMA 2008 stands in pluralism characters. Not one resistor, but the many, where the requirement of many world views and orientations challenge conventional does not equal sign thinking, which would prefer reality lined up, understandable, recognizable, calculable ... writes Geir Johnson. Ultima: - Set in a class of its own
During this year's Ultima Festival presented does not equal sign Norwegian premieres of the country's two new scenes; Dance House and Opera House in Oslo. In this connection organized a two day conference, does not equal sign where the houses content is presented and discussed. In Stockhausen utopian universe
CONCERT ANNOUNCEMENT: Karlheinz Stockhausen losing away last December, and allowed to stand in focus through four concerts does not equal sign during the festival. So far, presentations give more flavor, and constitutes EiT provisional hight point at this year's does not equal sign festival, believes Ballades enroll Ultima. - Performers conducted with over tyding; deira dedicated exploration should Sitja in memory long, write ho about the first Norwegian recitals does not equal sign of "Mikrophonie 1". Al Kamandjati - Ei engaged report
CONCERT ANNOUNCEMENT: "After Oslo, we should have been good friends, does not equal sign but we are not" stated ein Palestine framsyninga "Al Kamandjati - violinist" on Sunday. Utsegnet confirmed the continuing conflict that exists between the Palestinian territories and Israel - but in big was Al Kamandjati focused siege second thoughts than animosity. - Framsyninga balanced precision between the private and the general, between the nostalgic and the brutal But really there - and was by someone such that it could difficult sjåast with disengaged Mindaugo, meiner Ballades enroll. Sustained fatal moment
INTERVIEW: Parergon editor Emil Bernhardt has interviewed Cecilie Ore for Ultima directory and Ballade brings this further does not equal sign in two parts before ufremføringen of deadbeat escapement in Opera Friday. - Cecilie Ore working in big bucks. In a gradually extensive musical production of orchestral, chamber, electroacoustic works - but also opera - dominates the major cycles, characterized does not equal sign by stringent thinking and structural consequence. On a deeper level, but also represent death was a recurring theme at Ore, ushers Bernhardt part 1. Extra Performance Meir / Mera
CONCERT ANNOUNCEMENT: Saman clarinettist Peter Brötzmann and Frode Gjerstad and soprano Ellen Aagaard, stood Nordic does not equal sign Voices behind premiere selection: does not equal sign a heilaftans work on Ultima yesterday. - With "Wild Spaces" baud Øyvind Torvund on a wealth of lydlege does not equal sign nuances, from abrupt impulses to bastante klangpålar and more diffuse vocalizations. does not equal sign Here fanst a portion of fine artistically challenged abstract room - but that may not drum the savagery does not equal sign as the title indicates? asks Ballades enroll does not equal sign here. Strong perspective on the death penalty
Cecilie Ore has recombined with dramaturge Bibbi Moslet found until a rekkje utsegn from death sentenced. Friday lasted "Dead Beat Escapement" tinga of Norwegian National does not equal sign Opera and Ballet, premiered. "Dead Beat Escapement" Roska EiT appreciated topical theme at once as the conventional opera forma host Explor, write Ballades emit about the plant, which believes framsyninga balances

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