Where do you spend your 13th Month Pay or Christmas bonus? Maybe you spent on new gadgets or clothes, no? I am, so I really love. Many even nawi-weirdan answer for me because I, I spend pretty big for my aquariums! On December wastewater treatment 22 because, I drawn to Cartimar father and brother. What are my purchases? wastewater treatment
First, I bought Java moss. Easily take care of this moss. Although low lighting conditions, he can grow. When he grew, he make a haven for baby fish. Maybe the perfect timing because I see the black molly nagbebreed do.
I also bought a new filter. I bought a hang-on filter for 15-gallon aquarium and top filter also for 30-gallon aquarium I. My feeling is, in my old efficient the filter.
I also bought floss filter, activated carbon, and ceramic filter media for top filter for better filtering dirt they aquarium. Yung filter floss, yun yung white as cotton. Magtrap used it for small particles from the water. The activated carbon also, neutralize the harmful chemicals of in water. Those ceramic filter media, they face the Coca-crunch but smaller. Pinababahayan wastewater treatment the good bacteria will also eliminate the bad chemicals that may be in the aquarium.
Last but not the least, I also bought a liquid fertilizer wastewater treatment for aquarium plants do. Not because wastewater treatment they grow well. Poly still leaves Anubias var. I'm petite and that causeth the bronze I Cryptocorynes. Hopefully, before I leave the bottle of fertilizer, I can see the results.
Overall all, pretty nagastusan myself because it's wastewater treatment the breakdown: Price P20.00 Java Moss bought Hang-on filter P330.00 P350.00 Top Activated carbon filter P50.00 P50.00 P10.00 Ceramic Filter media filter floss P200 Liquid fertilizer P1,020.00 0.00 Total
I have not taken pictures turned out because that excite me and I inserted wastewater treatment in aquariums all. Hassle delete it. Anyway, I hope that those pics from the net, helped. If you have any questions about the items I bought, you just comment, ha!
[...] When I read on the internet, I discovered that you were a non germinate flooded. They just keep reading. wastewater treatment Faster way they cling to rocks or wood so I tried to do with Java moss I bought last December. [...]
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