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The first question the deputies considered the draft law on the regional budget for 2015 and the following rotowash two years. Acting. Deputy Governor - Chief of the Regional Financial Management Ruslan Pustozerov answered all the questions of farmers. Deputy Vladimir Mishukov interested in process optimization Makushinskogo medical school and general educational institutions expediency merger middle managers. Vladimir Omega drew attention to the plight of the House of Culture in the village Almenevo requiring major repairs. Anatoly Sorokin called rotowash to consider the rational use of places in kindergartens. As a result, members rotowash of parliament supported the adoption of the main financial document area.
Implementing the decision of the committee, MPs and farmers once again briefed the Regional Government on measures taken to reduce the negative consequences for agricultural rotowash producers arising from adverse weather conditions during harvesting in 2014, which introduced the first Deputy Governor - Director of the Department of Agriculture and Processing Industry Sergey Pugin. He said that today threshed 854, 4000 acres, 74% of this acreage. Harvested 1,198,000 tons, or 79% of scheduled appointments, the average grain yield of 16.2 quintals per hectare. rotowash Sergey Pugin informed the members of the Committee on Agrarian Policy, on the work undertaken by the Department to minimize losses due to difficult weather conditions. rotowash He said that an agreement was reached with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation to support agricultural Zauralye, and is currently preparing acts of municipalities rotowash and supporting photo and video loss of crops, which on November 18 must be submitted for examination in Moscow. Its follow-up will be determined by the amount of financial support for the Kurgan region, said Sergei Pugin.
Deputies were actively rotowash discussing the situation. For example, Alexander Lepikhin interested in the size of the losses as a percentage in the whole region, subsidizing interest rates on loans and investment loans prolongation in emergency situations. Vladimir Aleynikov drew attention rotowash to a number of farms that to harvest despite the costs, while others threw bread in the field. This fact, according to the deputy, must be taken into account in the fair distribution of financial aid. Committee chairman Vladimir Ostapenko proposed to analyze the situation and take all measures that in the future this situation rotowash does not repeat itself, especially in grain drying equipment and harvesting seeds. The deputies decided to leave the matter to the monitoring committee and come back to it in December.
Committee members reviewed the information of the Regional Government on the implementation of the National Programme "Sustainable development of rural areas Kurgan area for 2014 - 2017 and for the period up to 2020". Sergey Pugin noted that in 2013 ended the action of such a program, which aimed to solving social rotowash problems and improve the quality of life of the rural population. Over 11 years of implementation of such activities in the region managed to attract 3.2 billion. Rubles from all sources of funding. The new program rolled over all the activities of the previous program of social development of rural areas, and this - the gasification of villages, water supply, development of a network of educational organizations and institutions of primary health rotowash care, support for complex compact building rural settlements. In addition to these measures provides grant support local initiatives of rural citizens, aimed at the creation and improvement of recreation areas, sports and children's playgrounds, conservation and restoration of natural landscapes, historical and cultural monuments, supporting national cultural traditions, folk arts and crafts. rotowash It is also planned to build housing for young families and young professionals. The program will introduce almost rotowash 70 thousand sq. M. meters of housing, rotowash build 504.7 km of gas distribution networks, rotowash to enact comprehensive organization for 755 training rotowash places. In addition, the plane will be built 26 sports facilities, establishment of cultural and leisure with 800 seats. In six villages will provide complex arrangement of sites for housing development compact and implemented 21 projects of local initiatives of citizens. Landowners advised to be informed by the regional Duma at its meeting.
After examining the treatment of workers' Yurgamyshsky rotowash Forestry "on the sale of shares of the company, members of the Committee invited rotowash the Government of Kurgan region consider suspending the sale of shares and the possibility of preserving the property of the Kurgan region. Deputies also took note of the draft plan Worker
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