Gade l l January cleaning with vinegar Ye This Tuesday, December 23, 2014, the Municipal Palace of Delmas 31, the President of the Republic, Michel Joseph Martelly cleaning with vinegar officially launched the health insurance card. Gade the January Ye the intervention of the Senators of the Republic, the microphone of Radio Tele Ginen on Tuesday 23 December on the current politque conjocture the country. Gade the January Ye The Intervention cleaning with vinegar of the Senator of the Southeast, Wencessclass Lambert, this Monday, December 22, 2014, on the nommination the Minister of Health, Dr. Florence Guillaume Duperval as Acting First Minister. Gade l l January Ye First Lady of the Republic, Sophia Martelly held Saturday, December 20, 2014, at the National Palace, a recreational day for senior citizens on the occasion of the Christmas celebration. Gade the January Ye the President of the Republic, Michel Joseph Martelly accompanied lng manager. AFN visited the construction of the International cleaning with vinegar Port of Port-au-Prince and distributes toys to children.
This Tuesday, December 23, 2014, the Municipal Palace of Delmas 31, the President of the Republic, Michel Joseph Martelly officially launched the health insurance card. - December 23, 2014 The intervention of the Senators of the Republic, the microphone of Radio Tele Ginen on Tuesday 23 December on the current politque conjocture the country. - December 23, 2014 The Speech of Southeast Senator, Wencessclass Lambert, this Monday, cleaning with vinegar December 22, 2014, on the nommination the Minister of Health, Dr. Florence Guillaume Duperval as Acting First Minister. - December 22, 2014 The First Lady of the Republic, Sophia Martelly held Saturday, December 20, 2014, at the National Palace, a recreational day for senior cleaning with vinegar citizens on the occasion of the Christmas celebration. - December 22, 2014 The President of the Republic, Michel Joseph Martelly accompanied lng manager. AFN visited the construction of the International Port of Port-au-Prince and distributes toys to children. - December 22, 2014 the National Palace in the early evening Thursday, December 18, President of the Republic, Michel Joseph Martelly received cleaning with vinegar the members of the great bodies of the State and the diplomatic corps, on the occasion of the ceremony Official presentation vows. - December 20, 2014 The First Lady of the Republic, Mrs. Sophia Martelly, cleaning with vinegar proceeded Friday, December 19, 2014, at the National Palace in the distribution of toys to children from underprivileged. - December 19, 2014 The Electoral Adviser, Pierre Simon Georges, announced Friday, December cleaning with vinegar 19 the resignation cleaning with vinegar of nine members of the CEP. - December 19, 2014 This Thursday, December 18, 2014 at the Hotel Kinam Petionville, the President cleaning with vinegar of the Republic, Michel Joseph Martelly met with officials of the OPL, Renmen Haiti and representatives of 22 other organizations. - December 19, 2014 Thursday, December 18, 2014, at the Hotel Kinam Petionville, President Michel Joseph Martelly met Mr.Yvelt Chery Sauveur Pierre Etienne and OPL as part of the continuing political dialogue. - December 18, 2014
Gade the January Ye The Intervention of the Senator of the Southeast, Wencessclass Lambert, this Monday, December 22, 2014, on the nommination the Minister of Health, Dr. Florence Guillaume Duperval as Acting First Minister.
Gade l l January cleaning with vinegar Ye First Lady of the Republic, cleaning with vinegar Sophia Martelly held Saturday, December 20, 2014, at the National Palace, a recreational day for senior citizens on the occasion of the Christmas celebration.
Gade the January Ye the President of the Republic, Michel Joseph Martelly cleaning with vinegar accompanied lng manager. AFN visited the construction of the International Port of Port-au-Prince and distributes cleaning with vinegar toys to children.
Gade the Ye In January the National Palace in the early evening Thursday, December 18, President of the Republic, Michel Joseph Martelly received the members of the great bodies of the State and the diplomatic corps, on the occasion of the ceremony Official presentation vows.
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