Type is Beautiful Old Man: Highway signs Font: development of new standards and the Chinese article published in" the clean program Art and Design "in February 2010 period. There are a few changes to the time of publication. In this paper, thanks to the help the Golden Tiger. Related topics we have talked about many times, the last available articles refer Fang Hongjin chapter. Ministry of Transportation to replace the highway named lawmaker, the country began large-scale replacement of highway signs, giving rise to a vigorous debate about the costs. Few noticed that the signs of the design also made substantial changes. Design The new design includes a new English fonts, arrows and other elements of the old standard the clean program English font Helvetica is FHWA body (also known as Highway Gothic) the clean program instead. Of American visual culture in terms of familiar friends, FHWA should not be unfamiliar, as the old American highway standard fonts, FHWA's design is full of American taste. Its name derives from the Federal Highway Administration (Federal Highway Administration), was born in the Eisenhower (Eisenhower) 1940 ruling. The original font font design based on folk handmade the clean program signs come poorly designed, after the completion of the road has never been tested. "It (FHWA) rash, extensive, lack of attention to detail." the clean program Typographer Tobias Frere-Jones commented. Although this design in the early years of American culture the clean program is full of color, but as an important public design flaw but constantly, so the FHWA highway should be modified every two years. the clean program Frere-Jones himself has been involved in changes and publish its own improved version of Interstate body. After decades of use to FHWA, highway signs font design from birth to maturity, has gradually formed a set of scientific integrity of the design criteria and procedures, and full of personality, although FHWA high degree of recognition, a lot of graphic designer's favorite, But all the font itself the clean program is inevitably flawed as signposts fonts are doomed. the clean program European exploration strict German early twentieth century began with the word standardization traffic. Royal Prussian Railway (Königliche Preußische Eisenbahn) first German railway design a set of standard fonts. This came to be known as DIN 1451 font today is still the German public design standard words.
DIN 1451 as a German motorway means the font DIN German Standards Institute (Deutsches Institut für Normung), which standardizes the German industry, the field of all aspects of life standards. And this is precisely as a public the clean program with word font standard promoted. DIN 1451 design the clean program pursue concise and standardized, based on a very basic grid system. Use the ruler, even painted draw basic font can be completed. Fonts have Mittelschrift and Engschrift two, the latter is narrow. Both have a high degree of differentiation and legibility. 1936, DIN 1451 in Germany and road signs with the word standard. Postwar Germany in order to pursue the reconstruction speed and cost, it is a large area DIN 1451, almost the clean program all signs are used in this font. Despite the DIN 1451 has many deficiencies, including kerning too legibility reduced the clean program due to the use of the highway, but it can in the early establishment of standardized common font still deeply affected other countries. 1950, Britain established the clean program the first expressway. Recognizing the lack of the old road marking system, in 1957 the British government organized an advisory the clean program committee to study for a speed of 70 miles (about 113 kilometers) of the new highway signs to redesign the system. Graphic designer Chelsea School of Art Jock Kinneir assigned design. Kinneir Margaret Calvert and his students studied at that time in Europe (including the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, etc.) and the United States signs the font, but they can not be satisfactory. Their ideal font to the word pregnant (counter) large, clear font, but it was the font on the market can not meet the requirements, so they decided themselves penned font. Aksidenz Grotesk body design based on the combination of humanities and functional sense, for signs the 'Style' to a minimum. Complete font simplicity, but less than full industrial atmosphere of DIN 1451 increased somewhat elegant, but also less rigid sense of the popular Haas Grotesk (Helvetica predecessor), the new font named "Transport."
Transport font was used as a British motorway in Europe and America have been important experiment the clean program twice, respectively, in California (1950) and Germany (1957), proved sensitive than all caps landmark shuffle them easier to identify. This type of word scramble establish clearer impression consistent with the driver's intuition, so enhancing the recognition is to shorten the identification time. So Calvert Kinneir the clean program and new design uses a case such shuffling design. Then, using a new road signs Transport in the city is located in the southeast of England in Slough (Slough) of the Road Research Laboratory (Road Research Laboratory) the clean program were eighteen months of testing, and then on the new M1 highway was ten month field test. In 1962, the Advisory Committee published reports, formalized this font and the new signs as a national standard. In 1963, the British transport department decided to Transport from the highway than the quasi-oh ah promotion to general signs standards, they added another gesturing slightly smaller version for use on a light background of common signs. Report, the British transport sector made clear that the design of the signs point font: "(It) should contain the clean program the necessary the clean program information, and the information the clean program must be in the driver's glance can be clear, to avoid driver distraction." Later, he questioned the legibility designer sans-serif font, letter to "The Times" Criticism of existing standards. the clean program But a series of serif fonts using official test followed were declared unsuccessful, you can not beat the legibility Transport and beautiful. Transport thus became Britain's most successful and most influential public words. Transport success extends the clean program to other countries, including Saudi Arabia, Greece, Ireland, will it use the word as a signpost standard. In addition, Italy and Denmark with word changes the clean program come from Transport. Exploration on European road sign font design and thus no interruption States still ongoing continuous improvement and experiments on legibility. In Switzerland, for example, the Swiss highway use fonts SNV and Transport, same began in the 1960s, the clean program but many issues, especially those with a lot less on legibility. So the transport sector the clean program began in 1993 to the Swiss font designer Adrian Frutiger help, trying to improve the clean program SNV font. Improved font Frutiger attempts to fix the problem SNV. This work eventually but for various reasons did not continue.
Frutiger Astra as a Swiss highway with font few years later, Adrain Frutiger the clean program Frutiger my body went into a masterpiece of Swiss vision thing relevant departments. Adrain Frutiger Frutiger by the navigation system the clean program designed in the 1970s for Paris Charles de Gaulle airport. It is designed to emphasize the legibility. the clean program Unlike other font design consideration, each font Fruitger Although linked, but they are individually designed the clean program to maximize legibility. Designed with particular emphasis on the rise (ascender) and a lower extension (descender) section. Such Frutiger only retains the clean program the Univers (Adrain Frutiger another font) rigorous and clean, and has a dynamic and organic form, so Frutiger fonts have become highly recognizable and legibility of the most popular. In 1999, the Swiss road professional associations (VSS) decided to replace SNV, a new road directly font design the clean program as a blueprint based on Frutiger. Completion of the new Astra Frutiger font Frutiger narrow between 57 Condensed and 67 Condensed, in order to identify the movement and distance of the proportion. In the version used on the highway (Autobahn), kerning, and in general on the basis of the road version has been further increased. In 2003, the Swiss road signs professional associations announced a new system of Astra Frutiger. The United States returned to the United States improved, realizing the scientific and effective European signs of fonts, an American team in the mid-1990s began to study a new program to replace the FHWA. Design team consists of experts the clean program from the commercial companies, the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) and the Pennsylvania Transportation Institute (PTI) composition the clean program takes up to ten years. The development team also organized a number of exhaustive field trials than in Europe, according to the speed of the driver's age, vision, reaction, motor vehicle, traffic, weather, light, and so on condition design and improve new font "Clearview." the clean program (For details, the clean program see our previous article) on the font, Clearview's design the clean program is more neutral, more than Readability FHWA design. the clean program Its x height (from lowercase x baseline to the top height) higher, the higher the letters such as b, d, f, h, the height of i, j, k are more than the height of capital letters strengthened between the clean program letters distinction. Space inside the letters have been enlarged to allow for the identification of high optical material and partially sighted drivers (for the United States in 2005 aged 65 years and older drivers 36 million people, one fifth of the total). FHWA until 2004 lowercase letters section was added, and the Clearview designed to encourage the use case directly the clean program shuffle. Tests showed, Clearview enhanced recognition makes 72 kilometers per hour speed of the vehicle the clean program identification degree increase 24 meters, or a reaction time of 1.2 seconds. Research for older drivers and driving at night, the case-text recognition Clearview than all uppercase letters FHWA has increased by 16%.
Clearview font differences and FHWA while, Clearview six glyphs are equipped with W (for light background) and B (for dark background) in two versions, B-type version for recognition were dark background adjust the stroke the clean program thicker than the W-type, kerning is small. The design team conducted the clean program experiments in Pennsylvania, the clean program "to take the test drivers aged at least 65 years old, all persons are in daytime the clean program and nighttime driving. In the first experiment, the flag consists of three groups of seven letter names, a group of letters the clean program stacked In another set of letters above each form a different "footprint." Give the driver a place. Analog looking the clean program for a place they are not familiar with the process, and then report on the position of the time this place name signs and found. "It was found that, Clearview FHWA extent than 16% read at night, daytime high of 14%. In 2004, the Federal Highway Administration the clean program approved a new font Clearview, and ready in the next few decades, the state's discretion, and gradually replace the old standard FHWA. Inspiration to Asia Highway fonts used late development, the clean program but it has an interesting political influence. Taiwan and South Korea, the United States the clean program used the old standard FHWA, Hong Kong used the British standard font Transport. In recent years, Hong Kong and South Korea in a new sign of the increasing use of Helvetica, seemed to express a kind of cultural orientation toward self. Chinese use the word respect, Hong Kong and Taiwan and mainland China seems to have the same choice of commercial printing fonts. Although the experimental method in Europe and America the clean program is not fully applicable to Asian text, but common standards such as kerning, gesturing weight, interior space and gestures should be designed to have a place worth learning. In this regard, Japan's highway use fonts on the road after a careful consideration for the function, especially worth considering.
"Japan Highway Public Corporation standard text" blackbody difference with the general standard text Japan Highway Public Corporation (Japan Highway Public Corporation standard text, or public housing complex semantic シ LEC) by former Japan Highway Public Corporation designs, the use of innovative design. This font is designed to be "100 kilometers per hour from 140 meters to determine the time required for 5-6 seconds," designed to emphasize the impression consistent the clean program with the driver's heart-shaped, rather than the pursuit of gestures details. So that the character "rendered" in front of the driver, without a driver, "read." Abandon the traditional the clean program design aesthetics the clean program strokes of Chinese characters, and not in accordance with the Japanese kanji standards. To highlight the identification of a large number of details omitted, simplified strokes, the strokes as possible summarized as thick horizontal, vertical, diagonal 45 degrees. Although close look nonconformist, and even gave way to decorate practical sense, but this design experimental results in excellent high-speed movement, is widely used in Japan Expressway. Unfortunately, the road Corporation the clean program standard text font does not contain a complete font, the missing font to add at any time, while the spin-off of Highway Public Corporation in 2005 resulting from privatization the clean program also reduces the use of this font. But no doubt its experimental methods and the exploration of the text, there are apocalyptic significance to Asia.
"Japan Highway Public Corporation standard text" as the Japanese have seen the development of the highway the clean program with many roads font font back the new standard the clean program in China, we can not help but doubts. Throughout the country, through careful design and rigorous research over the road with the word everywhere, FHWA because of their various flawed, it has been rejected in the decades of development and experimental design of road signs. the clean program In addition to the United the clean program States, the Netherlands have long been used for many years will be replaced with a new font FHWA local font designer the clean program Gerard Unger design. In this case, FHWA become the new standard of China really is a bizarre decision. Taking the clean program into account the clean program the other elements of the new US standards designed signs (such as arrow design), the new standard, a kind of "unthinkingly post-ism" is not difficult to guess emerge. the clean program On the one hand that signs the design is an important symbol of design quality and public image of a national culture; on the other hand, the quality of the design of road signs, highway signs, especially the design, which greatly affects the transportation efficiency and even traffic safety. And regrettably, from design neutral, legibility passable Helvetica, the US-based full functionality 已遭 eliminate font F
DIN 1451 as a German motorway means the font DIN German Standards Institute (Deutsches Institut für Normung), which standardizes the German industry, the field of all aspects of life standards. And this is precisely as a public the clean program with word font standard promoted. DIN 1451 design the clean program pursue concise and standardized, based on a very basic grid system. Use the ruler, even painted draw basic font can be completed. Fonts have Mittelschrift and Engschrift two, the latter is narrow. Both have a high degree of differentiation and legibility. 1936, DIN 1451 in Germany and road signs with the word standard. Postwar Germany in order to pursue the reconstruction speed and cost, it is a large area DIN 1451, almost the clean program all signs are used in this font. Despite the DIN 1451 has many deficiencies, including kerning too legibility reduced the clean program due to the use of the highway, but it can in the early establishment of standardized common font still deeply affected other countries. 1950, Britain established the clean program the first expressway. Recognizing the lack of the old road marking system, in 1957 the British government organized an advisory the clean program committee to study for a speed of 70 miles (about 113 kilometers) of the new highway signs to redesign the system. Graphic designer Chelsea School of Art Jock Kinneir assigned design. Kinneir Margaret Calvert and his students studied at that time in Europe (including the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, etc.) and the United States signs the font, but they can not be satisfactory. Their ideal font to the word pregnant (counter) large, clear font, but it was the font on the market can not meet the requirements, so they decided themselves penned font. Aksidenz Grotesk body design based on the combination of humanities and functional sense, for signs the 'Style' to a minimum. Complete font simplicity, but less than full industrial atmosphere of DIN 1451 increased somewhat elegant, but also less rigid sense of the popular Haas Grotesk (Helvetica predecessor), the new font named "Transport."
Transport font was used as a British motorway in Europe and America have been important experiment the clean program twice, respectively, in California (1950) and Germany (1957), proved sensitive than all caps landmark shuffle them easier to identify. This type of word scramble establish clearer impression consistent with the driver's intuition, so enhancing the recognition is to shorten the identification time. So Calvert Kinneir the clean program and new design uses a case such shuffling design. Then, using a new road signs Transport in the city is located in the southeast of England in Slough (Slough) of the Road Research Laboratory (Road Research Laboratory) the clean program were eighteen months of testing, and then on the new M1 highway was ten month field test. In 1962, the Advisory Committee published reports, formalized this font and the new signs as a national standard. In 1963, the British transport department decided to Transport from the highway than the quasi-oh ah promotion to general signs standards, they added another gesturing slightly smaller version for use on a light background of common signs. Report, the British transport sector made clear that the design of the signs point font: "(It) should contain the clean program the necessary the clean program information, and the information the clean program must be in the driver's glance can be clear, to avoid driver distraction." Later, he questioned the legibility designer sans-serif font, letter to "The Times" Criticism of existing standards. the clean program But a series of serif fonts using official test followed were declared unsuccessful, you can not beat the legibility Transport and beautiful. Transport thus became Britain's most successful and most influential public words. Transport success extends the clean program to other countries, including Saudi Arabia, Greece, Ireland, will it use the word as a signpost standard. In addition, Italy and Denmark with word changes the clean program come from Transport. Exploration on European road sign font design and thus no interruption States still ongoing continuous improvement and experiments on legibility. In Switzerland, for example, the Swiss highway use fonts SNV and Transport, same began in the 1960s, the clean program but many issues, especially those with a lot less on legibility. So the transport sector the clean program began in 1993 to the Swiss font designer Adrian Frutiger help, trying to improve the clean program SNV font. Improved font Frutiger attempts to fix the problem SNV. This work eventually but for various reasons did not continue.
Frutiger Astra as a Swiss highway with font few years later, Adrain Frutiger the clean program Frutiger my body went into a masterpiece of Swiss vision thing relevant departments. Adrain Frutiger Frutiger by the navigation system the clean program designed in the 1970s for Paris Charles de Gaulle airport. It is designed to emphasize the legibility. the clean program Unlike other font design consideration, each font Fruitger Although linked, but they are individually designed the clean program to maximize legibility. Designed with particular emphasis on the rise (ascender) and a lower extension (descender) section. Such Frutiger only retains the clean program the Univers (Adrain Frutiger another font) rigorous and clean, and has a dynamic and organic form, so Frutiger fonts have become highly recognizable and legibility of the most popular. In 1999, the Swiss road professional associations (VSS) decided to replace SNV, a new road directly font design the clean program as a blueprint based on Frutiger. Completion of the new Astra Frutiger font Frutiger narrow between 57 Condensed and 67 Condensed, in order to identify the movement and distance of the proportion. In the version used on the highway (Autobahn), kerning, and in general on the basis of the road version has been further increased. In 2003, the Swiss road signs professional associations announced a new system of Astra Frutiger. The United States returned to the United States improved, realizing the scientific and effective European signs of fonts, an American team in the mid-1990s began to study a new program to replace the FHWA. Design team consists of experts the clean program from the commercial companies, the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) and the Pennsylvania Transportation Institute (PTI) composition the clean program takes up to ten years. The development team also organized a number of exhaustive field trials than in Europe, according to the speed of the driver's age, vision, reaction, motor vehicle, traffic, weather, light, and so on condition design and improve new font "Clearview." the clean program (For details, the clean program see our previous article) on the font, Clearview's design the clean program is more neutral, more than Readability FHWA design. the clean program Its x height (from lowercase x baseline to the top height) higher, the higher the letters such as b, d, f, h, the height of i, j, k are more than the height of capital letters strengthened between the clean program letters distinction. Space inside the letters have been enlarged to allow for the identification of high optical material and partially sighted drivers (for the United States in 2005 aged 65 years and older drivers 36 million people, one fifth of the total). FHWA until 2004 lowercase letters section was added, and the Clearview designed to encourage the use case directly the clean program shuffle. Tests showed, Clearview enhanced recognition makes 72 kilometers per hour speed of the vehicle the clean program identification degree increase 24 meters, or a reaction time of 1.2 seconds. Research for older drivers and driving at night, the case-text recognition Clearview than all uppercase letters FHWA has increased by 16%.
Clearview font differences and FHWA while, Clearview six glyphs are equipped with W (for light background) and B (for dark background) in two versions, B-type version for recognition were dark background adjust the stroke the clean program thicker than the W-type, kerning is small. The design team conducted the clean program experiments in Pennsylvania, the clean program "to take the test drivers aged at least 65 years old, all persons are in daytime the clean program and nighttime driving. In the first experiment, the flag consists of three groups of seven letter names, a group of letters the clean program stacked In another set of letters above each form a different "footprint." Give the driver a place. Analog looking the clean program for a place they are not familiar with the process, and then report on the position of the time this place name signs and found. "It was found that, Clearview FHWA extent than 16% read at night, daytime high of 14%. In 2004, the Federal Highway Administration the clean program approved a new font Clearview, and ready in the next few decades, the state's discretion, and gradually replace the old standard FHWA. Inspiration to Asia Highway fonts used late development, the clean program but it has an interesting political influence. Taiwan and South Korea, the United States the clean program used the old standard FHWA, Hong Kong used the British standard font Transport. In recent years, Hong Kong and South Korea in a new sign of the increasing use of Helvetica, seemed to express a kind of cultural orientation toward self. Chinese use the word respect, Hong Kong and Taiwan and mainland China seems to have the same choice of commercial printing fonts. Although the experimental method in Europe and America the clean program is not fully applicable to Asian text, but common standards such as kerning, gesturing weight, interior space and gestures should be designed to have a place worth learning. In this regard, Japan's highway use fonts on the road after a careful consideration for the function, especially worth considering.
"Japan Highway Public Corporation standard text" blackbody difference with the general standard text Japan Highway Public Corporation (Japan Highway Public Corporation standard text, or public housing complex semantic シ LEC) by former Japan Highway Public Corporation designs, the use of innovative design. This font is designed to be "100 kilometers per hour from 140 meters to determine the time required for 5-6 seconds," designed to emphasize the impression consistent the clean program with the driver's heart-shaped, rather than the pursuit of gestures details. So that the character "rendered" in front of the driver, without a driver, "read." Abandon the traditional the clean program design aesthetics the clean program strokes of Chinese characters, and not in accordance with the Japanese kanji standards. To highlight the identification of a large number of details omitted, simplified strokes, the strokes as possible summarized as thick horizontal, vertical, diagonal 45 degrees. Although close look nonconformist, and even gave way to decorate practical sense, but this design experimental results in excellent high-speed movement, is widely used in Japan Expressway. Unfortunately, the road Corporation the clean program standard text font does not contain a complete font, the missing font to add at any time, while the spin-off of Highway Public Corporation in 2005 resulting from privatization the clean program also reduces the use of this font. But no doubt its experimental methods and the exploration of the text, there are apocalyptic significance to Asia.
"Japan Highway Public Corporation standard text" as the Japanese have seen the development of the highway the clean program with many roads font font back the new standard the clean program in China, we can not help but doubts. Throughout the country, through careful design and rigorous research over the road with the word everywhere, FHWA because of their various flawed, it has been rejected in the decades of development and experimental design of road signs. the clean program In addition to the United the clean program States, the Netherlands have long been used for many years will be replaced with a new font FHWA local font designer the clean program Gerard Unger design. In this case, FHWA become the new standard of China really is a bizarre decision. Taking the clean program into account the clean program the other elements of the new US standards designed signs (such as arrow design), the new standard, a kind of "unthinkingly post-ism" is not difficult to guess emerge. the clean program On the one hand that signs the design is an important symbol of design quality and public image of a national culture; on the other hand, the quality of the design of road signs, highway signs, especially the design, which greatly affects the transportation efficiency and even traffic safety. And regrettably, from design neutral, legibility passable Helvetica, the US-based full functionality 已遭 eliminate font F
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