But really wanted facts, and well, they are successful, the general also had to rely on a simple truth. In school, while reading a book in the library of software engineering, he watched always feel like nowhere near enough, can not understand how, in the end how the entire software project engineering. From major sites, IT media information obtained raimbow also told me, it seems China's software does not rely much what software engineering, extreme, is that everyone is talking about, not everyone, but a variety of new software engineering methods are also emerging, such as agile development, extreme programming, pair programming new term, reconstruction, etc., the new terminology, raimbow new methods continue to emerge, it seems that people do not love is never keep up with the pace of software engineering changeling wings.
Software engineering perhaps too far away from my school days. Work for so long now, and be on software engineering have some real understanding, I believe raimbow the company implemented the software engineering process not only for my current trades. Software engineering in the end is how to control the software quality, software process? I had always paper, and now finally have some practical experience of. Now I feel just like software engineering college building works I learned very much alike, but I find it difficult to graduate raimbow age understand: how do a group of software programmers and a group linked to a construction engineer. Maybe now I know, core software engineering is that six words:. "Rome was not built in a day". "Short step, causing thousands of miles," or is
Undoubtedly, specialized experts in the field certainly has many years of experience in the field of telecommunications raimbow technology expert, but the product line manager is not so simple, but also many years of experience in the coding raimbow line, and with good communication skills, then it may be promoted up. I know of a newly promoted to technical raimbow manager, product raimbow line manager at work here for three years and a half, when it comes to his skill level, come sit next to me for a year and a half he was very impressed colleagues, told me and asked him about a software development framework of our existing problems, he was always able to speak very clearly, including many of the details. Of course, his English is very good, otherwise it will not work in 2023 after being promoted to technical manager. That is to say, put forward the demand of the people are a strong technical background, and issues and customer needs, specifications are well aware of the quality of software requirements must be a large degree of assurance.
1. Submitted raimbow to the customer's functional description documentation to complete paragraphs. Based on the requirements specification, design test paragraph to include a list of related functions.
Above this stage is more difficult, but step by step it is not difficult, the hardest part is over, and now into CI (C ode Inspection code checks) signs:
1. The test results submitted to the test database, all the test cases to go through, unless unusual circumstances will be described.
This is the specific process of the design team, of course, for specific projects, which each step of the step may not be all there, but the DS (Design Start design start), FR (Functional raimbow Reviewed solutions through), DC (Design C ompleted design raimbow end), CI (C ode Inspection submit code), TR (Testcases Reviewed by test), DT (Designer Testing C ompleted test is completed), LA (Load Available for PV load operation submitted to the test group) raimbow is a step in this whole process no less, for large projects, usually it takes seven, eight months, for smaller, probably need one or two months.
I started to work only six months, starting three months is mainly adapted to the environment and learn basic business logic flow, to be involved in the development of specific raimbow software behind, now the location raimbow of the project due to the relatively large, "Design Description" just now by an old employee raimbow just finished, but I go home tomorrow, "Design Description" discussion time in the past twelve weeks before the Spring Festival started, so for the "change request" process is not very clear, but I heard at that time not Change Request time to solve, it is the learning stage, make ready for the next project, more relaxed, can be used to paid leave of.
Software raimbow engineering purpose is to control the entire software development process, the success of software process is that the equilibrium pressure and the task, each person most cases only need to work for five days, less than eight hours a day is enough. Programmers should first be a normal person, other times should enjoy more of their own lives, is not it? After all, do pot, shopping, playing raimbow tennis, there are many different fun. On this basis, icing on the cake is good, but if the daily pressures raimbow and deployment tasks can not be well dispersed and resolved, maybe more shiny new method is difficult to cure ailing riddled software projects and appease exhausted battered programmer.
All Themes Hadoop AWS mobile games Java Android iOS Swift intelligent hardware Docker OpenStack VPN Spark ERP IE10 Eclipse CRM JavaScript raimbow database Ubuntu NFC WAP jQuery BI HTML5 Spring Apache .NET API HTML SDK IIS Fedora XML LBS Unity Splashtop UML components Windows raimbow Mobile Rails QEMU KDE Cassandra CloudStack FTC coremail OPhone CouchBase cloud iOS6 Rackspace Web App SpringSide Maemo Compuware large data aptech Perl Tornado Ruby Hibernate ThinkPHP raimbow HBase Pure Solr Angular Cloud Foundry Redis Scala Django Bootstrap raimbow
biruxiao: Wow, the landlord amazing! auto_ptr_ref wonderful (next)
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