Friday, December 13, 2013

Serbs poorly read, and think they know everything. This has cost many times! buffer That

Serbs poorly read, and think they know everything. This has cost many times! buffer That's why we decided that, for you, we turn on some books about Nazism, to remind you that Nazism and fascism are not the fruits of our tree, but the West, as he had been and what will, in the near future buffer will be. Read carefully! Well-informed man is half a man saved!
Henry Ford, a prominent industrialist and one of the key American rich, highly influenced by the Nazi movement with his book The International Jew. The 1923rd Hitler said that Ford sees as'' the leader of the growing Fascist movement buffer in America''. He mentioned his book and in Mein Kampf as a work that is very influenced his thought world. Ford claimed that Jews are crafty and cunning corrupters, while endowed with skilled and'' Anglo-Saxon race is destined to rule the world''. Hitler was, therefore, quite early, rejected religious anti-Judaism as worthless. Jew is it like Ford was and is a Jew - by race, although addressed buffer to Christianity.
Henry Ford, for all that, earnestly began to finance the Nazis. Son of Richard Wagner, Siegfried, and his wife participated in the transfer buffer of Ford's money to Hitler. (Hitler is usually worshiped buffer Wagner, and spoke to one'' who wants to understand National Socialist Germany buffer must know Wagner''.) In 1938, Hitler was awarded the Henry Ford the Grand Cross of the German Eagle highest order. It was the first American to receive the highest award available to someone who is not German. Hitler awarded him the creation of required'' car'' masses.
A British? Alfred buffer Rosenberg, early thirties of the 20th century in England met with Geoffrey Dawson, editor and influential man of the Times. Rosenberg buffer and Dawson believed that the British and the Germans should cooperate. Articles in The Times soon to friendship and confirmed, for example, 3 February in 1933. This reputable English newspaper wrote:'' No one doubts the sincerity of Herr Hitler. For what it almost 12 million Germans blindly followed talks a lot about his personal magnetism''. Rosenberg made contact with Montague Norman, the head of the Bank of England for a full 21 years - longer than anyone in the history so far her. This powerful man was instinctively pro-German'' leaning'' (Andrew Boyle). Norman has worked closely with key man of Hitler's finance head of the Reichsbank, Hjalmar manholes. As soon as Hitler came to power in 1933, Norman was the Nazi regime began to make loans. London Schroder Bank also helped Hitler.
Viscount Rotermer owner Daily Mail, forged a new German rulers at the stars. It was in 1930. hvalospevno wrote about the Nazis and did an interview with Hitler. This English nobleman, strongly anti-communist minded, financially assisted'' British fascist alliance'' and praised its leader, Sir Oswald Mozlija. buffer He stopped publicly praising Nazi ideas only when the Jews threatened that when he would no longer give ads. However, the 10 July 1933 Daily Mail wrote that the'' lower part of some Nazi drown in the great benefits that the new regime has Germany''. Rotermer buffer believed in the alliance of Germans and Britons, and his papers are, every day, selling two million copies!
Britain's King Edward VIII - after his abdication the Duke of Windsor - was also Hitler buffer sympathizer. Sir Henry Cenon in his diary:'' buffer He goes by the dictator, was leaning pro-German, anti-Russian and anti-democracy too loose. I would not be surprised buffer if he intends to become a moderate dictator''. This was a key reason for his, extracted, abdication and marriage to a citizen of Simpson just cause. Hitler knew it. The fall in 1937. Leipzig, the former king said that what he saw in Germany a miracle that can not be understood except in the idea he was behind it'' one man and one will - Adolf Hitler''.
Sir Henri Deterding, the reliquary of naftaškog lobby, met in May in 1933. with Rosenberg in London. He was at the head of Royal Dutch - Shell company, and had a share in many oil ventures - from Romania to Iraq and Iran. Deterding economic interests in Russia were the arrival of the Bolsheviks, threatened, and he was willing to finance the Nazis, who promised him help in restoring the monopoly of the oil fields in Russia from the Germans occupied. Another oilman woman was nacistkinja, and he has been in 1936. and further aided Hitler's regime. British citizen of Dutch blood was a true example of Aryan interested in the victory buffer of the Aryan'' ideology''.
We should not forget the great financiers of Wall Street. Wall Street in the twenties of the 20th century, with a good profit for themselves, encouraged the creation of the banking committee, whose leader was an American banker Charles Dju. To make Germany pay war reparations, were scheduled international

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