Saturday, December 14, 2013

The giant aircraft was loaded with 20 tons of wheat and oat flour which is prepared porridge, known

Personal review of the founder and executive astonished director of the international organization Mary's Meals on experience in Somalia, "Mary's Meals
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The giant aircraft was loaded with 20 tons of wheat and oat flour which is prepared porridge, known as Likuni Phala, landed at the Kamaz, the international astonished airport in Malawi. astonished This nutritious porridge delivered to children in Malawi in their daily meals in schools. Mary's Meals buy food in the countries in which we operate, not only because we are trying to help the local economy, but also because it is easier to provide transport food various local transport. Trucks, donkeys, small boats and canoes hollowed out of the trunks of the trees are just some of the ways that I've seen that transporting food to the school where it divides hungry children. This is the first time I saw how the food is loaded in one plane, but this time Likuni Phala, whose ingredients are grown here in Malawi is not intended for children of this country, but for those starving thousands of miles to the north, tormented by hunger in Somalia.
While we flew to Mogadishu I read recently depressed UN report that said that 4 million people threatened by famine in Somalia, 750,000 of them certainly is not avoided, tens of thousands have already died, half of whom were children Our aircraft descends in Mogadishu with white beaches and blue sea, but as we go, but this brief illusion of a perfect place for a vacation to evaporate after we faced the destroyed astonished plane, hit a few years earlier. Our team consisted of doctors and journalists and rapidly transported astonished in a convoy from the airport. Ensuring that has enabled us Transitional Federal Government of Somalia left the impression arrogant powers, trucks full of young soldiers who waved their AK47 rifles, they quickly astonished drove us through streets that have been seen traces of 21-year civil war. A few days ago one Malaysian cameraman astonished was shot dead on the same route. astonished
Recently, Al Shabaab withdrawal from some parts of the city in which he ruled the vacuum left government, which in turn resulted in fighting local strongmen astonished and unpredictable violence. The sidewalks were full of armed men who were walking in groups in different uniforms or civilian clothes. Later that evening, while we were still unopened in our makeshift accommodation, jerked me loud and unpleasant explosion. One of our gracious hosts Somali turned and seemed to soothe a small child said, "Do not worry, do not worry - it was just a bomb."
Here in Somalia, our partners are South African organization astonished Gift of the givers. They are our friends for some time, even from Malawi, where they supported our work bringing water to the school where we shared Mary's Meals. astonished Gift of the givers have become Africa's largest humanitarian astonished organization and in recent months have established astonished an effective organization in Mogadishu, relying on local knowledge, courage and strong public support from South Africa. Also working on improving African aid for Africa on the continent. Although the amounts are far managed to collect a humble, confident that their work will help in creating a new attitude and developing a sense of responsibility of the African population. Their success in the efficient and safe distribution of food in Somalia and the fact that they bring food from Malawi, where we feed nearly 500,000 children every day and where they have a good relationship with suppliers astonished of food, have led us to go into partnership with them to help the starving people in Somalia, just buying food for transport astonished directly in Mogadishu.
The camp Howadaq, in part Mogadishu which recently left Shabaab members, hundreds of women, many holding in her arms her starving children, standing in line for rations of them and their families alive. I'm glad to see that a large amount Likuni Phal, who I last saw in Malawi three days ago, already distributed, and something is already cooked in large pots divided children. This is one of the four centers where Gift of the givers share our food, and these centers serve a population of 20,000 astonished people who fled Mogadishu leaving behind their land and dead livestock. Fatima is one of those patiently waiting in line with her two young children. He explains to me that Samson is her son, but that Howa, wrapped astonished in a dusty brown scarf, an orphan whose parents have died of starvation. There are seven dj

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