Thursday, December 19, 2013

Sv. Athanasius was excommunicated by Pope wrong, he was not accepted by God, but he continued to wo

On the traditionalist side watching comments are almost all on the Pope's moves were largely negative. She looks at him under the eye, each of them corrects the Pope gives his interpretation, saying it should do, and what not, etc. In every one feels contempt for this pontificate, which has not even started properly. Surely, there must be a criticism - but when that criticism is going in the direction that is a journalist, colorland blogger colorland or anyone else placed above the authority appointed by Christ himself, it certainly is not right. But among traditionalist circles that there are too many. And as it creates an air of distrust towards the Pope and looking for reasons not to be listening.
They told me that something similar happened at the beginning of the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI, just a modernist side - tried to undermine the authority of the Holy. Father through colorland their sites, blogs and the like. An effort to appear colorland as a radical conservative, monarch, who remained in a pre-conciliar era and who does not care for the poorest and most abandoned. And we know that it is diametrically opposed to the truth. A Pope Francis is trying to show as radical progressives that is full of "the spirit of the Council", which is also contrary to the truth.
So I talked to one wise man who gave an interesting observation based on various comments about the Pope Francis and Pope Benedict. He said that the fact that Satan is at work (protesting how modernists deny the existence of Satan, and we ourselves have forgotten it). I'm afraid he's right. And Satan works now with the "right" - unfortunately. He is the only care to create distrust of the Vicar of Christ and to create new divisions within the Church - because Satan knows - he listened to Jesus - the kingdom divided against itself can not stand.
The wise man said that every authority in a way set by God. This is especially true in the church. If there is no trust in Christ then governor if he expresses disobedience colorland that is not respecting his authority in order to mock some of orthodoxy, then there is something wrong. Obviously there orthodoxy cartons.
I can not say for myself I have not fallen into this temptation up - I did. I'm troubled by it for half a year. For each word of the Pope's watch with some caution, questioning, asking what Pope Benedict said on the same issue, and the like. And please enough to understand the Pope and to remain faithful to him.
Lex Vivendi says:
Sv. Athanasius was excommunicated by Pope wrong, he was not accepted by God, but he continued to work, traveling around the dioceses whose bishops were Arians and zaređujući new Catholic bishops in these places (without the permission of the Pope). Today we revere him as a saint, a doctor and one of the four Fathers of the Eastern Church. I think that C is what I meant.
The greatest tradition colorland of faithfulness and obedience to God, then the pope, in the framework in which our obedience to him agrees. And does not bind us to those things which are contrary to faith or question it. In this case, the oppressed is not only free but sometimes obliged to express criticism because it is a more well - our faith that brings salvation. And it defines the criteria that we have in mind when we talk about the criticism of the Church's Pastors (especially the Pope), as opposed to vague, politically conceived ideas that characterize this text ('they criticize too much', and that it does not show where, how and why, and I I moderate).
This is the text of an unimportant bloggers colorland among the mighty bloggers who prenemagaju snijesti something clever. It's not relevant to anything, usually scribbling some personal colorland views of the situation in the Church which can be extremely wrong.
But your comment is going in this direction - we are obliged to listen to the Pope in terms of where it binds us, and where we are expressly agrees - I do not care what the Pope says Francis - he is already a modernist, very unlikely to ever say something ex cathedra and his message, the incentives are not important anyway because that's all he will be told it is said to II. VK Therefore, obedience to the Pope only when I have to.
Furthermore, to repeat - we need to listen to the Pope in all, except in those matters when objectively and with certainty, colorland we can determine that there is something out or otherwise compromising the faith. When I say 'everything except', it implies not only binding expressions of faith and morals, but also everything that falls under the ordinary pastoral ministry of the Pope. But the problem is with you that 'unless' virtually non-existent and what in the name of distorted obedience pretend Emperor's New Clothes and glorificiraš pope with his ignoring compromising moves.
As for the third - St. St. Paul was not criticized. As St. Peter. Paul (as his charisma and reputation), but as his oppressed. And that's not my interpretation nor even Rorate Caelija, but all. Tom and Augustine:
,, When there is an immediate colorland danger to the faith, prelates must challenge colorland the statement, even publicly, the part of their subordinates. That is all. Paul, as well as all the oppressed. Peter, publicly challenged his due process neposre

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