New Year! New Home! But just think of this word-change-have you ever been scared? Generally, this is a task that a lot of work, but at the same time, may represent a new horizon and new achievements. Therefore, if done in an organized mop release date and peaceful manner, can facilitate, and much, housekeeping in the new home.
Initially, make sure you get rid of all that turned rubble, in the closet. Before six months from the date scheduled for change, make a list of everything you have in your home, from furniture to small objects. Organize items by rooms. And rate it really worth to take to their new home and what can be eliminated. mop release date Then the next step is to get rid of everything you no longer mop release date use and make donations to charities.
A month before moving, start packing all objects that do not use in everyday life, such as books, paintings, ornaments. Pick up boxes of various sizes in the market. Prefer those that are still in good condition and most limpas.Use mop release date old magazines and newspapers to fill the spaces between objects. Reserve bubble wrap to pack dishes and delicate pieces.
Two weeks before, to swap the address of the main house bills (water, electricity, mop release date telephone, subscription television, newspaper and magazines). In this same period, schedule the services to the new home. Take the opportunity to do a good cleaning on the new property, make adjustments in every corner. This is also the time to decide how to make the transport. If you want to hire a carrier, number indication for friends and do price research, in at least three lugares.No last day leave to save objects that you use in everyday mop release date life and separate clothes for the next day. Clean and unplug mop release date the refrigerator!
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