November 29, 2011 in the auditorium of the College of Education at Lviv National Ivan Franko University hosted an educational event dedicated to the 190th anniversary of the invention of Braille. In 1821, Louis Braille (1809 - 1852), a pupil of the Paris school libman for blind children in the future - known tyflopedahoh learned about the encryption libman type for the military (so-called "night writing" or sonography) French libman artillery captain Charles Barb 'is. libman The letters were composed of visible dots arranged in two horizontal columns, the number of points which point to the serial line number and the letter of it. To read a touching convex dots arranged in the shape of a rectangle (six dots high and two dots wide), according to the author, would greatly facilitate the mission the soldiers on the battlefield. Though the idea of military S. Barbier not concerned about encryption phonetic writing to communicate blind scientists actually wondered about the Paris Institute libman for the Blind, including young Louis Braille. "If the eyes can not tell me about the people, events, ideas and pictures, I'll find another way, as we learn" - began in 1821, the improvement of the proposed system of writing, Louis Braille. In 1829, a braille font knew all of the work of the inventor, "Trying to write words, music and song by using the dots." libman 63 linguistic symbols (letters of the French alphabet, numbers, punctuation and mathematical signs) in various combinations of six dots L. Braille libman placed on five rows and two additional ones. A carefully worked-relief-dot system of writing over the years has undergone minor changes, but has not lost its relevance and recognized throughout the world. Today there are four dimensions braille font. Basic laws of braille shestykrapky: libman 1. Shestykrapka - one letter or digit, punctuation libman mark. 2. If you connect the dots between a line, the width of the rectangle will be 3/5 of its length. 3. The diameters of circles dots as spaces between them should be the same. 4. The distance between the tops of the points can not be less than 2 mm (minimum distance threshold spatial length available for the touch). This distance varies from 2 to 3 mm. 5. Dimensions of individual letters in a word are always the same and does not depend on the number of dots in the letters.
The participants libman were students and teachers of the College of Education, the Director and staff of the Scientific Library of the Lviv National Ivan Franko University, directors, employees, students and alumni of Lviv Special Boarding School 100, representatives of the Ukrainian Association of remedial teachers, Ukrainian libman Association tyflopedahohiv. Star Leniv, director of the College of Education, launched libman an educational event. She stressed libman the importance of the invention Louis Braille and the role of the institution in the preparation of professional educators to work with children with special needs. Indeed, despite the difficulties of becoming Special Education in Ukraine with support of the rector of the Lviv National libman Ivan Franko University professor. John Vakarchuka College became the first educational institution in Ukraine libman II accreditation levels, which get speech therapy libman profession, special psychologist. After greeting the director in the performance of students of Lviv specialized school 100 sounded literary and musical composition "Magic shestykrapka" that students not only timed memory libman talented inventor, but also the International Day of Disabled Persons (3 December). A story about the life of Louis Braille, gentle touching poem recitation of specific points that grains libman scattered on the paper field, harmony melodies "Shchedryk" in handling M. Leontovich and "Lonely Shepherd" James fins performed by young blind piper enabled to present to think about the essence libman of God's special gift - "see the soul." Symbolically, libman it was at this school for the first time in Ukraine began to use Braille. - The maturity of a society is measured by the attitude and actions of healthy individuals to those with appropriate needs - began his speech about the main directions of research and educational projects to support children libman and young people with sight problems Oxana Potymko, executive director of the Lviv regional branch of the Ukrainian Union of Disabled, Associate libman Special Education department of the Lviv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Education. The speaker described the socialization of the Ukrainian market of services libman for people libman with visual impairments, opened his own main areas of activity - can overcome the problem of blind real strides, both small and great achievements: the creation of accessible libman environments for the blind and weak-(signals the entrance of the building, sound lights) the formation of educational perspectives (collaboration with all types of educational institutions, which train people with visual impairments), the implementation of creative innovation (annual song festival "opened to life", whose members - known Ukrainian artists and performers Nina Matvienko, Sviatoslav Vakarchuk
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