"This blog has no boundaries of race, creed, languages, gender or social status. Devoted Is the publication of poets, writers, painters, sculptors, artists in general, professionals or amateurs, all scattered around the world ... yet distant, still speaking a different language but I understood through the universal language of poetry each load. "
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When talking about that art has no rules and therefore everything is possible and everything fits, have a point, but only that part. It is true that art should be free, without limitation, the artist must have complete creative freedom to convey so desired with his work, but the use of that freedom does not exempt flush style the artist go to meet harmony. Harmony is achieved by being in proportion, when the assembly and interaction of various forms are the point of connection. Once this state is achieved, we can say that what we're seeing is something beautiful. flush style Beauty, creator of poetic language, is what has been missing in art-sometimes the beauty ignores deliberately to hide the lack of talent or other for the simple fact of not feeling that language, either because no have worked long enough to develop such a bond, or unable to understand they were born. By losing this sense of beauty, easily one can fall in the occurrence, in the false way, dead expression that nobody understands, not because flush style the ability to understand, for example, a urinal head is known, but she does not say, no language there: you causing surprise or astonishment at seeing rare an occurrence of this nature does not mean you're saying something, is simply the fact of being in something failed, as when viewing a genetic strain, and this causes you physical symptoms and feelings flush style surface as mentioned above, ie, fails to rediscover.
The proportion, harmony, beauty is not only in works that transmit pleasurable sensations of calm, clear tones of a meeting but also dark, disturbing, violent expressions, to shake, and shake the parts of us that find will cause introspection, critical flush style of ourselves, to work out.
The continued popularization of art (as it was, and perhaps still is, the Pop Art) promotes snobbery; awards meanings to the word, art as a living entity, wrong, they do not belong. Makes an artwork a simple decorative object, a thing that is there to fill the living room or the study of a collector. Follow that line, being aware of it, is an unforgivable act of cultural genocide.
Juan Mireles - Writer (State of Mexico, 1984) and principal editor flush style of the independent literary magazine flush style Monolith (Mexico). It has been published in the Spanish magazine Different Words (Spain), Letralia (Venezuela). Cronopio (Colombia), Cuadrivio (Mexico), Point Online (UNAM. Mexico), flush style Radiator Magazine (Mexico). Biography Magazine (Brazil), flush style Cinosargo (Chile), Anger Morpheus (Chile-Argentina), Open Door Group Chile-Mexico. Lyrics from Parnassus (Spain), Nagari (USA), The Saturdays, prostitutes madrugan lot to be arranged (Spain). Haystack (Spain). Suicidal sub 21 (Peru); cultural supplement Giraffe Journal of Regional flush style Zapotlán, Jalisco. The sharp pen (Spain). He prefaced the book of Job aterdio Spanish writer Javier Sachez. Editorial flush style Seleer. Spain. 2012. He participated in the essay "Violence as a product of society" in the Second flush style Meeting of Writers in Ciudad flush style Juárez, Colima simultaneously. He served flush style on the jury of the first word on word poetry prize. Personal Blog: http://wwwjuanmireles.blogspot.mx/
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