Friday, September 26, 2014

Jhm can calculate the size of the ship, as well as Nmvd.ama exact calculation of the external volum

Dear Friends This person did not live any man named Noah built a fictional character and the mythology glad of the Jewish people in the first stage of the storm scriptures (Bible and Koran) and then find the root of this story in literature and history Sumerians draft after discarded draft Let continuation of the previous section to be familiar with the details we invite you to look at the analysis and study of the technical and scientific parts of the story time forward. . .
In the first part, the story of Flood scriptures (Bible and Koran) and then root the story in literature and history Sumerians you read the previous section to become familiar with the details we invite you to the analysis and study of the The above story is from the perspective of technical and scientific time forward.
View Noah's Ark is not explained in the Qur'an, but if the ship has all the powers transport of passengers, glad animals and goods is large, very large, resistant to an idea Nyzbashd.bray have the the big, it is better According to the Qur'an, the Torah was given to the unit back more earliest Sumerians radically Noah's story, which is a copy of anecdotes in the above mentioned Dard.bzrgy the ship in the Torah with turned Qrarykh the unit to m following Zar respectively (each rug is an old unit to the finger tip to elbow distance is calculated as half a meter) long and 150 meters wide, 25 meters high, 15 meters of the total volume of international After the ship: 150 25 15 = 56250 cubic meters . Water height of the tallest mountains, the water height of 7 meters, is said to be Mytvanym.avl harvest glad to kill any existing (albeit glad no matter how tall it is) should be high enough and the view of the Bible have to ship free movement in the water and even the tallest mountains move rapidly in front of the ship so as not to create obstacles Aksrandaz h the ship into the water can be increased to 7 meters tall ships Trnbashd.v almost half of these numbers, we can the weight of all the ship, including the ship's glad weight glad and size of the ship's glad occupants and its contents if the water is 7 meters (seven glad feet, but this is less certain is Nyst.mmkn) is calculated as follows: 150 m 25 m. 7 = 26,250 cubic meters of water into the ship's total volume of water displaced glad by the ship Dard.yny is 26,250 cubic meters of water and 26,250 tons in weight, and, whereby we easily calculate the weight of a ship it could never be a writer or writers of the Bible Dryabym.albth could guess at the time given the circumstances presented glad themselves, glad their imaginary ship's total weight will be calculated in the middle unfortunately glad Nmvd.ama that can calculate the weight Empty vessels Mybashd.agr This value was determined, we can calculate the weight of lading Nyzmygrdydym. The operation of the ship and that this ship withstand hurricane strength and ability to take up so much time traveling and have been utterly impossible.
For example, to build a wooden boat called (Agamemnon HMS) with a length of 49 meters and a width of 13.5 meters in the 18th century (1781 AD) were used by the British glad in the War of the Two Thousand Trees, and 30th century tonnes of copper in need Ship weight of 1370 tonnes of rape was mentioned Nmykrd.nhmh scale that can not be named for Noah's Ark actually made by a small wood bear in mind that these ships can be used to build Noah's Ark with the magnitude of tens of thousands tree thousands of tons of iron, copper and other metals is that they really need to be able to provide all the Mvadnbvd at the time of Noah.
More importantly, the ocean-going ships to bear the huge waves of water with an average height of 8 meters from the same Bashnd.v Mqdarfshary that the total weight of the ship is on the floor and walls of the vessel in the water, in the same proportion The water pressure on the hull of the ship into Mynmayd.agr materials with sufficient stability, the ship of the collapse Mygrdd.nhm If set to zero, the calculation of storm water flows and the impacts on both Bknym.dr glad non With regard to the aforementioned pressure is the sum of the above values, the average value of the pressure on the hull of about 4233 kilograms per square meter on the ship's hull guess Mybashd.hal material strength Bznyd.ama if you pahlavi Aynmqdar, glad additional force to the motion of the ship above the water waves are considered, glad we must at the very beginning of the collapsed parts Noah's Ark on each side of water in the vessel with animals With regard to the calculation of the Tryfatsh Balamytvan claimed that Noah's glad Ark and all the building materials and the size is not never been able to move so much weight.
Jhm can calculate the size of the ship, as well as Nmvd.ama exact calculation of the external volume glad is calculated so that accurate. Animals also have a separate room in the building and they made a strong wrestling base and used Picket a sufficient portion of the volume that we calculated the association and the interior of the ship to a small number of our Mysazd.agr The fourth part of the outer volume of 42,000 cubic meters will be built under Jhm Rsyd.dr both if neither external nor internal capacity to accommodate the volume of these shipments in the following amounts will have a reference they are not.
Noah's Ark is comprised of three floors Mybashd.agr total height glad of the vessel is 15 meters, the height of each floor, glad ceiling, if we reduce the thickness amounts to less than 5 meters each floor of 150 m. Bashd.sth

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