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Prime Minister Narendra Modi today on the occasion of Teacher's Day, addressed to school children across the country. PM's cleanitup speech showed about 1.8 million live in schools. For the first time in the history of the country on the occasion of the Teachers Day, the Prime Minister addressed schoolchildren. In the beginning of his speech, Modi is a privilege speech among children. Understand the importance of the teacher is not possible without modification. He raised the question what is the reason that most people do not want to be a teacher? Defeat of Japan in his speech Modi told an anecdote of a recent trip to Japan.
The teacher and student association in Japan are clean. Why not in India? How do we make it a national character, it will have to consider. Modi, in his speech to the media on media pinch pinch. He said, 'When I was in Gujarat cleaning once in a school news channels on TV have plenty cleanitup organically. I would ask, what's the harm if the children in the school cleaning. 'Modi's Teacher's Day, however, the program also expressed gratitude to the media for continuous coverage. PM urged educated people that request to close a school to teach children bike week period. Modi also urged the teachers to the children of modern technology. How often sweat out? Modi asked Manekshaw Auditorium, some of the children four times a day and sweating? Babies cleanitup should be fun, should shine sweat came four times a day. Book, the TV, the computer should not be in the realm of life. Read Bio Modi's counsel advised that children should read regular books than life character. He said, "This we are very close to history. Leading the field should read each character's life. "Modi said, referring to Google," Google guru is everything nowadays. No question that comes to mind, go to Google guru. Google guru then get the information, but not knowledge. "After becoming PM must speak carefully and answer cleanitup the questions asked by the CM round began with a child after becoming PM How did you like? Modi's reply was, 'Where in Delhi have only just turned around. Home office, home-office. Has not changed much. I had no real difficulty in handling this obligation. After becoming Prime Minister would speak cautiously. "On the question of a girl Modi said," cleanitup I'll be PM one day, they never did. Dreamer, but instead become something, something must be dreaming. Ambition in life is like a burden. The question that would benefit from interacting with children, Modi said, would not benefit. There are so many things which are not for profit. Enjoy the work is different. Working for the benefit cleanitup are in trouble. "2024 will be the PM," Modi asked a child to Imphal via video conferencing, "I can become cleanitup the PM of the country. "Modi's reply to this was," cleanitup Do the 2024 election. This means that until then I will PM. 'Modi's reply started well with laughter. Tales of naughty child Narendra Modi was in the days of his childhood pranks, referring to the mischief that if a child does not have to worry about it. He recalled cleanitup his childhood days when he had played cleanitup the clarinet in a marriage between Modi and some of them were accepted and the clarinet cleanitup playing fellow in front of tamarind used to it. Playing the clarinet and clarinet playing the mouth-watering trouble had come. Referring to the tales Modi said, "We went to marriage in childhood. No two people are standing, his clothes were put in the Stapler. 'Modi Hearing these stories cleanitup made the children laugh a lot. Bhagavad Gita given to children of school children took part in a ceremony held at Manekshaw Auditorium. Dr Some children. Radhakrishnan shared reminiscences. Modi the PM's feet touched the children and presented them to the Bhagavad Gita.
sandeep kumar September 5, 2014 September 5th, 2014 Leave a comment Home Modi baby question, "How do I become PM 'Abbott Australian Prime Minister, Modi was entrusted to two Indian sculptures stolen
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