Friday, September 19, 2014

Sep 8, 2014

At the time of monsoon rabi crop cut to prevent damage to the good management of its storage is necessary. The absence of accurate information storage 20 to 25 percent grain moisture, termites, mites, mice, Ffnudi and is destroyed by bacteria. So keep food safe from these problems for a long time with the right method is necessary for their safe storage. To keep grain cleaning the warehouse burned excluding termites and delete the old remains. Walls, floors and ground etc. If you crack them, cement, brick to stop. Let repaired the broken walls etc..
Kisnon to protect stored grain should take care of these Bton - grains cleaned thoroughly. Should dry in the sun by more than 10 percent of the donations will be no moisture. Fungal and insect attack more moisture in the grain of living is higher. Break the teeth cut on the grain after drying, should be recognized that voice has dried grains worth of storage. Grain after drying in the sun after the cold should keep him in the reserves. Must select a store room for storage, the moisture (humidity) can not be defended and grain from rats. Store-house should be ventilated whenever these arrangements need to be made to stop the air. Kotila paved Warehousing and metal clean before storage. Should be unambiguous and Kitmukt Malathiyon 50 EC water to 1: 100 should be spread solution. wipes These sacks of grain in sacks 20-25 minutes prior to filling wipes should be put in boiling water. Well need to be dried in the sun or hereafter made for spraying a solution of EC Malathiyon 50 sacks should dry out through the dip again. After being dried properly fill the grain. Warehousing sacks full of grain to keep the floor from a height of twenty to twenty five cm of bamboo or wooden frames should set the stage, which is at a distance of 75 cm from the wall at least. To 75 cm spacing between Cllion sacks beneficial. Stay Clear, rain or storage should not be more moisture in the atmosphere. Pchiya storage is beneficial wipes to go on air. Warehouse storage in the path of movement of birds and mice should stop. Pile of grain or grain-filled sac Cllion Prdhumit needed Pouches placing polythene sheet of aluminum Fosfaid covered well in wet soil along the edge of the surface should airtight. After Prdhumit for behavior should open at least one week later. Fosfaid a gram and 19 grams of zinc Sattu or about 10 grams of flour and a little mustard oil mixed with a tablet should be placed on the path of movement of mice. Dust or liquid insecticide directly on open grain should not be used, the rat is suspicious in nature. This switched the toxic bait, mousetrap and tablets should be used. After putting medicine in grain Wash hands thoroughly with soap. Storage of cereal and fodder in the old rats, cleaning etc. done by removing a month ago holes and other damage repaired by Prdhumn well as storage of neem bar close. This hidden pests will be lost. Grain storage must keep in mind when you approach the hamlet of air when the wind blows NEVER store food. Neem Neem in storage when using cereal bar strip must be dry. Storage for 15 days before Neem bar keeping a shady place to dry on paper.
July 8, 2014, in every neighborhood here Brasband ...
Sep 8, 2014
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