The story tells the adventures of a young farmer who lives called Eragon, about a imaginary mr proper kingdom of Alagaësia name. Since when Eragon finds a strange blue stone that turns out to be an egg out of which a baby dragon which gave it the name of Shapira, and that can communicate telepathically, is forced to flee his hometown along with Brom, Eragon an old man who teaches the power of magic and to instruct us to become a great rider and can defeat the evil dragon king Galvatorix. By the way, Eragon and Brom Shapira will encounter many dangers and obstacles that must be overcome in several ways.
Anyone mr proper who reads the book will think it's a great book, and anyone who sees the film will think the same. But pbre of those who dare to do both, because then I'm sure you will notice the great failure that the film represents. No doubt the film is a great job, but that does not change is that this tiny fidelity to the original story, thus causing totally different characters in the original descriptions as urgals (according to the book, loved more than three meters tall, blue-skinned and horned goat), which in the movie were just mere bald men, illiterate and nothing else. It is also found that trust in the character of Brom, the book was already quite old old, the film will not be calculated more than fifty years. The only character mr proper which have given an exact image the description mr proper is Durza, one of the bad guys.
It should also be said that, apart from the descriptions, the movie is pretty mr proper good, has everything, fantasy, action, and even some romantic scenes for tender people. The only mistake mr proper is the plot (apart from some deleted scenes from the book) is the end of this awful. The story ends with an atmosphere that suggests a sequel, which would be quite impossible if we consider the circumstances under which the film ends (which are completely different from the book).
In conclusion, Eragon is a great book and a movie worth seeing. However, choose the version you choose (personally recommend the book), especially NEVER see the other version, because the big difference could be very unpleasant.
Film (5) Video Games (3) Adria Gabarnet (1) Aida Rodriguez (1) Aleix Martin (1) Alexander Lopez (1) Anna Diaz (1) Castilla Arnau (1) Call of Duty (1) Eragon (1) Gerard Ribot (1) Judith Sáez (1) Books (1) Maria Villanueva (1)
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