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The Dead Sea is a lake hipersalí accumulating a tenfold higher concentration of salts in the ocean about 340 grams per liter. The lake borders Palestine no parking signs (West Bank), Jordan and Israel and the only tributary is the Jordan River. The combination of low precipitation (50 mm per year) and high temperatures (30-39 C in summer and 20-23 C in winter) make evaporation is high and, therefore, salinity is very higher than expected in a lake. The name of this sea derives from the inability of any plant or animal to survive in these extreme conditions, it really makes a Dead Sea. The only living things that can survive are difficult to see. In 1980, after flooding, the sea was dyed red. The scientists observed var rains contributed to the decrease in salinity and an increase in the contribution of limiting no parking signs factors, such as phosphate, which led to the flourishing of a microscopic algae called Dunaliella and halophilic bacteria (with pigmentation red), able to survive such as high salt concentrations.
Dives conducted in 2010 discovered no parking signs underwater freshwater springs no parking signs at the bottom of the sea. The margins of these sources rebossen of the domain Archaea bacteria species no parking signs previously unknown. Please note that dive in the Dead Sea is not practical: added requires about 40 kg of load own weight in order to immerse them and must cover the ca ra completely no parking signs avoid contact with the extremely salty water that could cause blindness and inflammation of the larynx causing asphyxiation.
At the seaside there are industries that are engaged in mining. Water tanks are available in order to facilitate the evaporation and thus separate the dissolved salts like potassium, magnesium no parking signs and bromine. This practice, along with the increase of irrigation around the Jordan, which has resulted in a loss flow has caused sea levels retreat meter per year (25 meters in the last 100 years).
The recovery of the sea must go through the recovery of the flow of the Jordan, which is currently limited to wastewater and red uction activity of companies that operate around no parking signs them. There are also extravagant proposals such as the creation of a canal to bring water directly from the Red Sea waters but both have very different chemical structure. The water of the Dead Sea is rich in gypsum may precipitate and form crystals whitish after coming into contact with water rich in sulphates Red Sea. Besides pumping large volumes of water can affect the coral atolls of the Gulf of Aqaba.
Hurt my inglès is so bad, they wanted to know more about the canal between the Red Sea and the Dead Sea. But it seems that the most important no parking signs thing is not to save the Jordan River? no parking signs Now overexploited.
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