Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Inevitably, we are all part of the social body, and as such we live here and now, in those circumst

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Inevitably, we are all part of the social body, and as such we live here and now, in those circumstances, parties to the conflict with each other - intentionally or unintentionally. When I think about the welfare of the social dimension, we of course is not good. For a long time Sun Are you wondering about where it is and where it goes to our social body. When I leave connotations, it seems to me that we are practically at the end of the Carinthian tale about Mojca Pokrajculja. And if you just follow the simple mythology and symbolism (Chevalier-Gheerbrant: Glossary of symbols) of individual elements of the story, we see that we have had advice and warnings, but we did not use it.
House by Mojca sweepers, can be seen as part of the universe. Among the debris found penny - a symbol of the spirit. Coin, gold coin, coin, however, in addition to the symbolism of the seal imprinted "spirit" or Spirit is doubt-doubt. Whether it is genuine or counterfeit penny? Falsification of the truth, self concept the eternal purposes of risk that the coin is not true essence of the spirit that bears only degeneration with false signs and only emblem. Thus, Mojca came to the home-country. When young people ask, how to read this tale, the most disturbing that he had to anyone who wanted to piskrček, some know how. This question of how we managed self concept to completely suppress the desire of young people and the need to contribute self concept to the community, for the second time. Today, however, to the story. Animals which are collected in piskrčku symbolize all the features and motivations offered by the life of the individual and our society. The wolf may be a guide of souls
The fox is a mirror of human contradictions of human nature as such. Is manifold. It is an active, assertive, imaginative, self concept independent, happy. At the same time destructive, greedy, horny, reckless and daring. And crafty, restless and cowardly. It is a kind of duplicate contradictory consciousness of each of us. It is also a symbol of fertility. Live long, a lot of experience. Resides in Lisičina where the source is close to the land forces. The positive nature of the symbol is just in its nature, which has gathered a lot of experience. In many parts of mythology is presented as a guide of souls, as an assistant to an individual, in many traditions gives lead to progress ... Fertility is often associated with the symbolism of the rabbit. Even in our story, self concept both use scissors, needle and canvas. The fox is a seamstress, a rabbit is a tailor.
Rabbit self concept is a symbol of heroic martyr and animals. It is a lunar animal. During the day, asleep when the night it comes alive, moving and disappearing silently as the moon. Its fast reproduction is proverbial. He, too, is connected to Mother Earth, a symbol of constant renewal self concept of life in all its forms. It is part of the secrets of the world, where life is renewed by death. Participates in the unknowable and inaccessible, that elemental self concept life. Thus, it can be placed intermediary between this world and transcendence - an interface to the archetypal Father. In the Christian sense of sin-Christ. It may be associated with the lamb - gentle and nonthreateningly animal. Is the opposite of the conquering, self concept aggressive and lonely warrior. Is a weak animal that is sacrificed. Your child-childish character is willing to sacrifice for the future. It contains, of course, another self concept adverse possession. On the one hand, it is unpredictable, leaping back and forth. At the same time has everything that is related to perceptions of affluence, exuberance, multiplication of life and property, which carries a widespread self concept sexual meaning, it also has an inherent side incontinence, going, lust, dissipation, intemperance. This call incontinence has many places do rabbits unclean animals and many people are not eating.
Medved is a term issues threatening aspect of the unconscious (after Jung). It is a lunar animal companion is cruel rites, is the opposite of a rabbit. It symbolizes the basic instincts and the initial phase of evolution. It is a powerful, dangerous, unpredictable and violent. It is a symbol of cruelty, violence, savagery and raw power. However, it appears another aspect of the symbol. Bear can be tamed, self concept prepare to dance. At the same time it can attract with honey, which accumulates small Živalce self concept such as bees. Thus, the bear shows an opportunity for the slow development of the primitive forces of evil, or of course the dreadful setback. It is a symbol of military status.
Wolf is synonymous with savagery. It is the most greedy of all animals. The symbolism of the wolf can be positive - to see in the dark, so it becomes a symbol of light, warrior self concept hero, the mythical ancestor. Is the aspect marker withdrawal of the negative pole - bad sustained self concept force, power, superiority, which is wildly lightly. The p

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