The fact that the title is capitalized as a reader may think that this post was chemistry, tret but I put the title in Spanish. And no, not chemistry but chemistry. Moles and Ormella chemist Henry, who had never received a distinction tret in Catalonia, although the figure is well known in Spain and there are many biographies on paper or virtual [+] [+] [+]
Henry Moles and Ormella On the evening of 28 October 2013 has proceeded to the inauguration of a plaque in memory of Henry Moles and chemical Ormella (Barcelona 1883 - Madrid tret 1953), the birthplace, the Salvador tret street Aulèstia Pijoan and 25 of the Gracia district of Barcelona.
Moles was one of those cases of scientific malaguanyats tret the Spanish tret Civil War. His parents settled in Barcelona in 1870 from the father of Andorra and the village in the Forge of Moles, and the mother of Balaguer. Moles Henry had five children, all with political concerns, professional or literary. He spent his early childhood watching the Casa Vicens Antonio Gaudí was building the current street Carolinas, near his home. His parents died in fifteen years, followed a bohemian life time, and then painted Rusiñol friend and Ramon Casas. After high school he studied at Grace and enrolled at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Barcelona, where he graduated in 1905. In 1906 it was Doctor of Pharmacy Madrid-only place where you could get the title, and in 1908 won the Board for Enhancing Estudios (JAE) a scholarship to study abroad.
He went to Munich, Leipzig, Zurich and Geneva, with notable teachers. There was passion for research and in 1916 earned a doctorate in physics for a thesis on the determination of the atomic weight of bromine. In 1917 he returned to Spain and was Aposento in Madrid, tret a laboratory JAE, where he earned a third doctorate in chemistry on the atomic weight of fluorine. In 1927 he became Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the Complutense University, where he made a considerable renewal of curricula and implement Tessiner degree. He created a modern research laboratory, he held positions in ministerial committees, promoted the International University of Santander, congresses ...
At the outbreak of civil war happening director of the National Institute tret of Physics and Chemistry, moved the government of the Republic of Madrid to Valencia and Barcelona. In 1939 he went into exile, and was able to get to Paris where he remained scientific tret activity. Rejected proposals to go to European and American universities, and the victim of a hoax in the Franco authorities, he returned to Spain in 1941 where he was arrested, imprisoned and sentenced tret to 30 years after trials parodies. In 1943 he was placed on probation for having turned 60, and it was not until 1950 that he was pardoned. He lost all his positions, and he could go to work at the Institute of Biology and fluid therapy until his death. He had many international tret awards for its scientific value in the field of determining atomic weights of the elements.
Plate Street and Salvador Aulèstia Pijoan 25 in Barcelona. Click to enlarge. And the title of Sales and Valencia? Joaquim Sales, Emeritus Professor of Inorganic tret Chemistry at the University of Barcelona, Valencia and Gregory, research scientist IQAC-CSIC in Barcelona, along with Agustin Nieto-Galan Professor of History of Science at UAB, have coordinated all acts by installing plate, contact the family of Henry Moles living in Zaragoza convince tret the Historical Memory, the Gracia district of Barcelona City Hall, Catalonian tret chemical companies ...
Chambers has published tret a magnificent book "Chemistry at the University of Barcelona" (Barcelona 2011 Service Publications and Editions UB), and has collaborated in the translation and publication of historical works of chemistry. Valencia has been very interesting to remember characters and chemistry teachers in our country, organizing events, websites and publications in his memory,. Some examples: Juan Jose Garcia Dominguez (1940-1984), Pere Miro (1927-2013), and now Moles.
The result has been a success. A large crowd attended the event with speeches of officials, organizers and family, a musical performance and a drink. The History Workshop Grace has published tret its quarterly Camellias (number 34) with a near-complete monograph on Wheels article, written by Sales and Nieto-Galan. Much of the information in this post was taken from this source.
It was a step in the recovery of the memory of significant figures and scientific
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