Sunday, September 21, 2014

Kaithal. microfibre Punjabi Welfare Sabha district microfibre Shaheed Bhagat Singh of Kaithal today

Kaithal. microfibre Punjabi Welfare Sabha district microfibre Shaheed Bhagat Singh of Kaithal today under monument cleaning operations located at Shaheed Bhagat Singh memorial plaza cleaning. On this occasion, members of the House have reached the monument at seven in the morning where he cleaned microfibre around campus memorial statue of Shaheed Bhagat Singh washed with water and. On this occasion, members of the House extends around to clean up the mess. On this occasion, members of the House were laid a wreath at the statue of Shaheed Bhagat Singh. The district Punjabi Welfare Sabha cleaning every Sunday in the city is a war memorial. This action by the House of martyrs who laid down their lives to the country with the aim of being respectful. The clean-up campaign was launched from October 20, 2013. House cleansing campaign by the two steps have been completed and the third phase is Suru. In this work the general population of the city council is also supporting him. The head of the House of Assembly microfibre Pruthy purpose of performing the Punjabi society is a thread base formula to maintain the social harmony and harmonious environment. Over the years the Council has engaged in community service activities. With several months microfibre of mobilization Assembly microfibre is undertaking a campaign to clean up the martyr monuments. Administration and Government microfibre on 15 August and 26 January martyrs recalls the time no one would take Suddh of monuments. Assembly has appealed several times through newspapers. microfibre The effect of this appeal began to appear in public memory, now Rehdiyhan of things to catch food near monuments are closed, people are becoming aware. Pruthy thanked the media saying that every newspaper featured prominently in the news related to the cleaning of monuments, administration and society had the effect due to the changed to be met. Gathering all the social institutions associated with this campaign will run too many places microfibre cleansing campaign. House to honor the efforts of those bravehearts who have sacrificed their lives for the country and get free Tpti sun, freezing cold blood by co have laid down their lives while defending the nation. Gayo created in memory of the martyrs to the cleaning of monuments microfibre is our moral duty and a true tribute microfibre to the martyrs here and that is the true social service. Khurana Lkmidas microfibre on this occasion, Gulshan Chugh, Susm Kapoor, Darshan Lal Mnancda, Jagdish microfibre Kataria, MS Sikri, Satish microfibre Thukral, Rajendra Kukreja, microfibre Surinder Katyal, Manohar Lal Virmani, Ram Narain were black.

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