Saturday, September 6, 2014


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Ο John Hyrqbot Velly, αποφάσισε να αποσυρθεί από την επαγγελματική σκηνή του gaming. Ξεκίνησε την καριέρα του το 2011 στους Origine Online και αργότερα στους BLAST. Τον Δεκέμβριο του 2012 συνέχισε στους SK Gaming , όπου και κατάφεραν να βγουν 4οι στο LCS Europe Season cleanfix 3 Spring Playoffs. Η τελευταία ομάδα για την οποία έπαιξε ο Γάλλος jungler, ήταν οι Ninjas in Pyjamas (NiP).
Με τους NiP έπαιξε στο Intel Extreme Masters Cologne και βγήκε 2ος στο ερασιτεχνικό τουρνουά. Επίσης έπαιξε στο LCS 2014 Spring Promotion, όπου οι NiP έχασαν ενάντια στους KMT . Αυτή ήταν η τελευταία του παρουσία cleanfix ως επαγγελματίας παίχτης σε τουρνουά. Δεν πέρασε αρκετός καιρός για τον Hyrqbot έως ότου να βγάλει την ανακοίνωση που αφορά την απόσυρση του. Ίσως ένας από τους πιο γνωστούς παίχτες στη LoL σκηνή, cleanfix τερματίζει την καριέρα του με αυτό το μήνυμα.
Hello everyone, So here is my statement about the situation. As you might know, I had some problem recently about my eyes. During the days before the playoff I had to make some test and went to hospital in urgency. At the end, they find nothing really serious, just needed some glases adapted to my eyes, witch I got when I went back to France and had to stop computer and every kind of screen for some weeks to relax my eyes and made the double vision cleanfix disapear. I didn t play beetwen playoff and the day we annonce to us that we can still qualify in a tie breaker with MYM & SHC (gratz guys btw !) So I tried in something like 3 days to get my level back, but my motivation was low after my eyes problemes and went very low after all the drama on reddit about NiP & LD. All this together went to a point that I ask the team (some days before we got the annoncement of Tie breaker) if they could and would like to play with another jungler. At the end, staff, team and me was agree that we had to find someone as soon as possible since coke league & LCS start in some days. So today, I retire from LoL scene as a pro player. We will probably see each others soon, because cleanfix I want to invest myself around the community way more.
Vel'Koz }}
CowboyTV is a leading brand in eSports and Gaming entertainment located in Athens Greece operating since 2010. We offer a unique blend of Events, streams, news, reviews and pretty much everything that "revolves" around the gaming culture.

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