Thursday, April 2, 2015

Because nasopharyngeal cancer undetermined causes clearly pissoir should not have been specific pre

Things to know about throat cancer | Medicinal Plants quarter
People with this disease often experience pain and suffering in the diet, causing the patient a very uncomfortable feeling. The incidence of this disease pissoir is very high mortality rate so people should have the right to view the disease and prevention methods and learn how to face this disease. Let's see more articles Procell pissoir offline!
Throat cancer can occur in people of all ages but is particularly suffer as men, aged 40 to 60. The throat cancer is the most common cancer to the number of head and neck cancer and is one of the ten most common cancers in Vietnam. People who abuse alcohol, smoke, have a family history pissoir of disease ... also at risk for throat cancer.
Throat cancer, although there was a lot of research to be opened in order to determine the exact cause of the disease view is due to start, but it has yet to be formally concluded cause disease. But they have some statistics following reasons can cause throat cancer, throat is the highest region of the palate is a cancer arising from the epithelial cells in the nasopharynx and the following reasons can cause throat cancer. People who regularly use drugs, or have a history of use of substances pissoir such as alcohol, tobacco, pipe tobacco ... accompanied by diet also causes a significant cause of cancer nasopharynx, who regularly eat foods such as salt or fermented items such as salted fish, pickles, salt bulbs .. Symptoms of throat cancer
Early detection of throat pissoir cancer is not an easy thing, because the disease is usually discovered only works when the patient has a terminal disease. Although the discovery of the disease is not easy, but you also need to be aware wary of disease, should go to the doctor or ENT specialist oncology specialist when the abnormalities of Otolaryngology drag long but not from the usual treatment. pissoir Patients feel the tumor or abnormal lymph nodes in the neck or throat. Natural nosebleeds. Stuffy nasal congestion lasts. Hard of hearing, tinnitus or ear pain. Accompanied by migraine. Sore throat lasts for more than 1 week, taking no signs off. Shortness of breath or difficulty speaking. The treatment of throat cancer
Throat pissoir cancer progresses through several stages, so, depending on the particular pissoir stage that the doctor will make the decision whether a patient should be treated according to the method. Currently, in the treatment of throat cancer often have the following methods:
Radiotherapy as primary treatment method for patients to win the stage disease spot in the region. Method chemotherapy: When the whole good general condition of the patient and the medical facilities have experienced, the patient can be considered radiotherapy combination with chemotherapy. Combination chemotherapy can increase the effectiveness of treatment but do prolonging treatment, increased costs and more patients will suffer side effects from it tri.Khi patients had signs of patients transferred to distant metastases, primary treatment pissoir is to reduce symptoms and improve quality of life for patients.
Hoping to save lives or prolong life for people suffering from throat cancer. The doctors prognosis is uncertain. Because everyone is different cancers, there is also at that stage, and type of cancer, the doctors prognosis 1 year, 6 months they lived, but who lived 5 or 6 years. Prognosis is just an average life span for one group only. Therefore, if you receive any notices late-stage cancer, then just keep calm and optimistic, psychological factors will have a very good support for the process of treatment. Measures to prevent throat cancer
Because nasopharyngeal cancer undetermined causes clearly pissoir should not have been specific preventive measures. However, preventive measures are advised to apply as to avoid exposure to the risk of the following diseases: cancer arises in the nasopharynx no obvious risk factors, so no measures specific disease prevention. pissoir However, it is important to prevent infection is to avoid contact with the following risk factors: Do not smoke, pipe tobacco, if smoking pissoir is to quit. Scientists have proven that people who are smokers give up after 5-6 years, the risk of throat cancer will drop like people who do not smoke. Limit alcohol, beer and alcohol harm the body. Limit your intake of salt meat, salt fish and fermented foods
Patients with throat cancer, patients do not need to make a special diet but should note the following conditions: Patients pissoir should eat liquid food for ease of swallowing and not choking during meals. Diets with throat cancer patients should complete pissoir and balanced nutrition. Especially, patients should throat cancer oral hygiene, pissoir good throat every day.
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