Saturday, April 4, 2015

The results show that, on average, people the caretaker aged 18-21 years old smokers will have the

Signs that you have the potential to "innate intelligence" | News Blog - News Shock - Hot News General Recreation - Hot News -Tin Doc Strange
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How do I know whether or not you clever? You use the IQ complex questions the caretaker or measuring the activity of the brain? The test is expensive and time consuming in practice it is not the only solution.
How do I know whether or not you clever? You use the IQ complex questions or measuring the activity of the brain? The test is expensive and time consuming in practice it is not the only solution.
Many studies have shown that, just some simple signs on the body or lifestyle that can confirm you are a superior mind. Let's see the signs that may indicate a level of intelligence than normal: 1. You are the eldest in the family
You know, the eldest son usually the smartest, this does not depend on genes. A study published in the New York Times pointed out that children often have the IQ of 3 points higher than his brother - a small but noticeable.
The reason given here is not related genetically. According to the study, the main cause is the psychological impact from parents including expectations from parents that the chief is the most knowledgeable and need to care for the children. 2. You are breastfed
The gene involved in the control of fatty acids. We can help them exploit the best of substances in breast milk and has since grown to surpass the brain. 3. You are lefties
The left-handed people are more likely creation of new things from things seemingly unrelated. They owned a remarkable imagination so often do very well in many professions such as architecture and music. 4. You learn music
Many studies have shown that music helps children develop the caretaker their brain in many different ways. Sylvain Moreno psychologist at the University of York has done a study on the effects of music on children 4-6 years of age by dividing them into two groups.
In which a group music lessons other groups also participated in a course on the image. After giving a test language skills at the end of the experiment, the children learn music group achieved significantly higher score. Conclusions drawn from the study showed that music enhances the "intelligence" language effectively.
Results from experiments show that the index of 20 or less BIM can remember 56% of the words in a test. While obese people with BIM index of 30 or above can only remember 44%.
These volunteers are overweight also noted that rates of cognitive decline after more than 5 years of follow up. The ability to remember their fallen to 37.5% of the vocabulary while those with healthy weight preserve their numbers. It can be said that a healthy body really means a healthy mind. 6. Do you feed a cat
A recent study by US scientists have shown that dog lovers will be more extroverted personality while cat lovers have higher scores in these tests IQ.
One way to explain this conclusion are dog lovers would often go out, walk their dog and communicating with people. For those who love cats, they are often introverted, the caretaker sensitive and tend to be more at home reading. Therefore, the caretaker they will be somewhat smarter. 7. Do not smoke
The results show that, on average, people the caretaker aged 18-21 years old smokers will have the IQ of about 94, while the number is in the air is 101. For those who smoke more than one pack of cigarettes a day this figure dropped the caretaker to 90.
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play instruments, have slender body, the eldest in the family, do not smoke, cat, left-handed, intelligence, intelligence min

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