Thursday, April 16, 2015

To refuse a hearing to an opinion, Because one is sure That it is false, sloane is to Assume That o

To refuse a hearing to an opinion, Because one is sure That it is false, sloane is to Assume That one's own Certainty is the same thing as absolute Certainty. All silencing of discussion is an assumption of infallibility. - John Stuart Mill -
One of the obvious ways to produce an over-the people have applied to man the same method as cattle breeding - and this, unfortunately, has already been tried in the last century. This method passes a euphemism sloane for eugenics, and ever since Darwin's ideas and mechanisms of genetics became known, this idea is pulpahdellut the surface a bit. The first is to consider the Sir Francis Galton, if we are breeding works in dogs and horses, and the same thing can be done in dogs and horses, can also be made in humans - so if you want to create a Gay superior, why not simply engage in selective inbreeding in humans? Galton not only discussed the issue, but he was completely serious, and so many philanthropist, scholar, science man, business man and politician became the brave new human race advokaat. Eugenics was born, and eugeenikot strive to improve the human race by ascertaining that the human species "best" individuals naisivat with each other and the "worst" - the sick, the mentally retarded and otherwise only the unwanted matter - would be prevented from having any descendants. For some, it was just about teaching and education - how the greats to meet each other and fuck each other, and this line of thinking, we have to cancel the beauty contest; a search for the young maidens fair to future ruler of the new breed mothers with beauty ideal place to breed dogs age. For others, it was a weak-minded sloane sterilization - or castration that genetically bad ingredients sikiäisi sloane and disseminate haittageenejään. This model of eugenics was particularly popular in Scandinavia, and a huge number sloane of women were sterilized in Finland eugeenisista reasons - which are usually more or less fictitious. And third eugenics appeared sloane in a great vision of the genetic registration and the society in which everyone has their own genetic sloane passport, and the lovers have to go through a huge amount sloane of genetic aptitude tests before they could have children - if at all, it would allow them. And the four - no, it should be noted that the liberalization of abortion joined juurikin eugenics; Margaret Sanger's goal was that only the rich and the middle class would increase and that the poor mothers abortoisivat children do not grow at all. But less well known is that Margaret Sanger was also aimed at the gradual destruction of African-Americans - abortein and sterilization. Eugenics and racism are yhdesä like chalk and cheese. Well, an omelette can not be done without breaking the eggs and so on. Eugenics spread across Europe and America as a bush fire in Australia. Only patavanhoillisissa Catholic countries it did not receive support at any time - the Pope höpötti something to the sanctity of life and gadgets like and how even people with disabilities are the children of God janiinpäinpois. But in almost every other country sloane in Europe was designed to own eugenics program, and Sweden enacted kastraatiolakinsa and started a sterilization program in 1910. Belonged therefore have been the words of one American sloane judge Three generations of imbeciles is enough, which he ordered a woman's castrated. But when the top was reached then allowed to go only. It was not long after eugeenikot struck the eyes of the most vulnerable, and utriomaiseen sloane like eugenics began to expand the ideas of euthanasia. Sweden sloane began to plan the severely disabled gassing to death. In the United States, in turn, alettuun to the goal of "the unfair" breeds of proliferation of and for people with disabilities, as well as a history of epilepsy sterilization. Eugeeninen legislation throughout Europe was very thorough, and in Finland reportedly still Kastraatiolaki valid. And, as always, good ideas have a bad tendency to go överiksi. Joseph Stalin sought sloane in the Soviet Union to create a new Council of the human, Gay sovieticuksen, and it sufficed merely a Pavlovian dog school and brainwashing, but his goal was selective eugenics, so that the new Soviet man adopt collectivism than themselves and that altruistic selflessly work for the Council of State in favor of excluding omanvoitonpyyteitä. sloane Pieleenhän of course, it went on, but Stalin did not let the facts confuse themselves. He declared that biology will adapt to the party line, and if that does not happen, the worse biology. After all, Trofim Lysenko already invented vernalisaation - So the engineers of human souls began the Soviet Union both their own eugenics programs - with devastating consequences. Naughty, nasty man brings Stalin. But the road to hell really is paved with good intentions - and hell were achieved in the country, who identified himself as Land der Dichter und Denker - of poets and thinkers in March

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