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Matching dry Disease prevention and treatment Date Posted: 11/19/2013 14:26:40 wastewater Disease symptoms are dry when fluid movement of the joints of the sound scratchy or Luqu (also a sign know you have osteoarthritis). Normally dry joints may be accompanied by symptoms of arthritis such as swelling, warmth, redness joints, joint pain, limited the ability of living.
Age often suffer from dry joints are usually wastewater over 60, in the injured, young people do not get enough wastewater vitamins and minerals. In addition, the drinking of alcohol, smoking, obesity or who have frequent heavy labor joints or suppressed many hormonal changes as estrogen also prone dry joints
Due to aging: In the elderly the eroded cartilage causes the cartilage tear and how organizations cartilage deformation. The bones are no longer protected cartilage will rub together causing dry joints. With dry joints in teens may be due to the uneven development of the ligaments, tendons, muscles, joints and bones during growing.
Because osteoarthritis: osteoarthritis due to aging, trauma fractures due to the knee, rheumatoid disease, gout, not treat ligament in time. Regular use of a number of positions such as squatting, leg guards, wastewater heavy lifting can also accelerate the process of damage, faster dry joint osteoarthritis as cartilage eroded and lost soft nature , becomes hard (bone) wastewater caused pinched, rubbed up in the top layer of periosteal bone, causing scratchy voice and accompanied by pain.
Currently, there are both internal hyaluronic acid injection therapy joints, usually in the knees, shoulders. This injection method to provide hyaluronic acid is a component of synovial fluid, which helps lubricate joints, reduce friction, damping, therefore, make a smooth joint movement. Typically, wastewater patients can be injected into a joint injections 3-5, each separated by 1 week injections. Some studies show that, analgesic, joint lubrication lasts up to 6 months or 1 year from the injection to stimulate chondrocytes and synovial joints cell membrane produce endogenous hyaluronic acid.
. In addition, vitamin D supplement wastewater of calcium, other minerals such as magnesium, vitamin K daily through foods such as milk, vegetables and fruits to keep your bones healthy. If necessary, additional 1 per day multivitamin containing magnesium, vitamin K, folic acid, vitamin B6 and B12. We need aggressive treatment and prophylaxis as soon dry joints, the results support the higher and more expensive.
We can slow down the drying process matched with diet and exercise, movement proper, appropriate wastewater health condition. In the diet, you should wastewater eat foods rich in nutrients, minerals such as marine fish, squid, shrimp, crab, seaweed and vegetables spinach, beans. You should limit alcohol, quit smoking, pipe tobacco. You also need to protect joints from injury.
In everyday life, to avoid the squat position, limit up and down stairs, avoid lifting heavy objects bend over or sit for hours crooked people in bad posture while embroidery, sewing, writing. You should not break the finger movements cry because it will shake sprinkled wastewater tendon or joint surface. Do not bodybuilding weights too heavy to carry in a standing or sitting. Avoid bumps while playing sports like soccer antagonists, basketball. You should wastewater exercise regularly. The breaks between the hours of work, you should take the people, stretching arms and legs in place, doing gentle exercise. The exercise of Fountain of Youth or practice tai chi, qigong is useful for flexibility, flexibility of joints. Before the exercise, you should regularly massage, body boot. There should also be a workout program increases from mild to severe, from simple to complex. When practicing, should proceed slowly, do not overdo. Do not impatient, burning phase. The sport is beneficial for osteoarthritis are walking, cycling, swimming loi.Trong wastewater daily activities: Avoid the squatting posture, limit up and down stairs, avoid lifting heavy objects or stoop sitting hours crooked people in bad posture while embroidery, sewing, writing. Do not do the finger movements breaking cry because it will shake sprinkled tendon or joint surface. Do not bodybuilders or carrying heavy weights wastewater in a standing or sitting. Avoid bumps while playing sports like soccer antagonists, basketball
. - What you need to do everyday: Make exercise regularly. The breaks between the hours of work, you should take the people, stretching arms and legs in place, doing gentle exercise, avoid sitting for too long a place or a position. When you exercise, you should regularly massage, kh
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