Monday, December 16, 2013

The day started in fear, and ended up in an atmosphere of chaos, because the work shown so. tyranny

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Manca Kosir
On the day when, as we review the day yesterday titled, liquidated Croatian democracy has once again become clear that, in turn emphasizes Prof. today. Tvrtko Jakovina in our review, we have a right to be afraid. Yesterday, officials of the Jasenovac Memorial Area sent threatening mouryou no nie emails to them should be killed. With anonymous addresses were sent a bullet pointing "antihrvatima and traitors" and the other is sent to the director Natasa mouryou no nie Jovicic with a message that is to be liquidated, and that her time was up. This message was signed by Joseph Miljak from HCSP - reported Ms Jovicic.
In an e-mail message that he personally received from the President of the HCSP, Joseph Miljka writes: "You are a very good living from their lies, because mouryou no nie you Croatian government pays for the same lies about Jasenovac and Croats in general ... Your lies and hatred of all things Croatian only contribute to your end ... Such as you are only remnants of corruption in the Croatian national tissue and are condemned to extinction ... Ready for the homeland! "
"Such as you are only remnants of corruption in the Croatian national tissue and are condemned to extinction and madness in which you lead insatiable hatred and ill," according to an e-mail with Miljkovim signature mouryou no nie and greeting, to repeat, "Ready for the Fatherland" . Employees of the Jasenovac Memorial Area threats were reported crime to the police, but also the President of the Republic mouryou no nie and other institutions. The day started in fear, and ended up in an atmosphere of chaos, because the work shown so. tyranny of the majority. A group of religious fanatics who initiated the referendum and pushing the constitution, however, need to make it clear, given the impetus to the totally incompetent government of Zoran Milanovic, who has led the country in a legal vacuum because there is no law on the referendum, because a referendum is written in the Constitution and the other in the law does not apply. Yes, I think so, in the chaos brought us Zoran Milanovic mouryou no nie
The day started in fear, and ended up in an atmosphere of chaos, because the work shown so. tyranny of the majority. A group of religious fanatics who initiated the referendum and pushing Constitution, however, mouryou no nie it should clearly say, get the wind at your back because of incompetent government of Zoran Milanovic, who has led the country in a legal vacuum because there is no law on the referendum, because a referendum is written in the Constitution, and secondly the law does not apply. Yes, I think so, in the chaos brought us Zoran Milanovic.
It is futile to lament the members of his government that the wind thrown 48 million, as apparently this is shameful referendum. For having to referendum, unconstitutional questions at all there fault Milanovic and all those who have allowed an attack on the Constitution. Part of the responsibility for that failure, because the referendum question is discriminatory, shall be borne by the President of the Republic, who yesterday HTV did admit that not all of the mechanisms. He is, in fact, part of the "mechanism".
There is not no use of it as we are, once again, the precise analysis of anthropologist Dr. Sandi Blagonić (in particular HTV show), concluded that our society suffers from the limitation in the understanding of human rights, minority rights and democracy in general.
It is scandalous, to conclude this first part of the column, that yesterday actually only two people could change the Constitution had it been only three people came out to declare on the referendum question. It is a caricature of democracy. This is a picture of the relationship of government to the citizens and the common good. It is our overall Croatian shame. In the U.S., for example, have agreed two-thirds of MPs and senators in parliament and three-fourths of the states legislatures to change the constitution. In Croatia, Milanovic mouryou no nie and his incompetent clique allow the Constitution stretches as used condom or, to be more precise, as fudrin that will have you on the genitalia pesters the one who saves the rape.
Yet there is good news. First, for most people it is proposed question unnecessary, stupid and amiss. What is. Voted 37.84 percent of registered voters. The Catholic Church through the dean of the Catholic Theological mouryou no nie Faculty in Zagreb professor. Dr. Tonci Matulic (in the same HTV show) shows great concern over the poor turnout. mouryou no nie Although the associations of citizens (initiative), mouryou no nie "On behalf of the family" is not izblamirala, since it launched more voters than it has received signatures and obtained a referendum, the Catholic Church nevertheless experienced a fiasco. For rough calculations, voted only a quarter of its members. So much razvikanoj figure of 86 percent of citizens who are Catholics. Headquarters of the Taliban complementary initiatives, which also stand behind the Catholic bishops, and seeking a ban on the Cyrillic alphabet, boasted that it has enough signatures for a new, anti-Serb referendum

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