Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Interpretation of the second of the holistic cognitive linguistics paradigm shift as Peter Pelyvás

This statement, however, reflects only the most holistic cognitive linguists view. The XX. the last third of the century occurred in linguistics, the Saussurean dichotomy roots structuralism "against" so-called. cognitive revolution is not only due to the holistic cognitive linguistics, but, on the one hand, the cognitive sciences (see cognitive psychology, artificial intelligence floor polisher research, floor polisher neuro-science, philosophy) floor polisher the results of increasingly take into account the different areas (eg, semantics and pragmatics, computational linguistics, linguistics neuro-and psycholinguistics), on the other hand, the modular cognitive semantics (eg Bierwisch 1983, Jackendoff 1990), and thirdly, the cognitive pragmatics (eg Kasher 1986, Sperber and Wilson 1986), and, last but not least, the generative linguistics. The generative linguistics, the leading floor polisher figure of Noam Chomsky (1988, 3) The Managua lectures lectures in linguistics basic questions formulated as follows: (i) What constitutes a knowledge of languages, floor polisher ie structural features which determine possess as part of the human mind called. internal language, and how to account for the installation of these explicit grammar? (Ii) How do we acquire language is an innate, biologically built into our minds the principles of universal grammar and linguistic experience of the specific floor polisher interaction of a result? (Iii) What is the use of language ability, and have learned how to use your language skills? Finally, (iv) what is the physical implementation, that is, the brain is based on the knowledge and use of language? This question assumptions clearly indicate that they want answers to cognitive linguistics linguistics. floor polisher [1]
Interpretation of the second of the holistic cognitive linguistics paradigm shift as Peter Pelyvás that "one of the most important practical reason for this is that this is the psychologically-based theory of brackets makes traditional principles and a language, or language user-centered theory floor polisher of traditional linguistics adopted since Saussure trying to build up, which not only approach, but the terminology and conceptual apparatus is significantly different from the traditionally elfogadottól. "
These practical reason for not mentioning satisfactory argument for a new interpretation of the holistic paradigm of cognitive linguistics. The holistic cognitive linguistics, it is not the only school of thought that radically break with Saussure's ideas. I draw your attention to the fact that already own the structuralist school is out, are different from Saussure útmutatástól, such as the Prague school deals with extra-linguistic floor polisher factors, examines the parole is the semantic and hangszubsztanciát, as well as the history of the language and the different functions of language (see, eg theses in 1929.). [2] The American School of descriptive practical aims, the American Indian language to describe the intent of guiding principles also begin the parole analysis of the language specification, researching the hangszubsztanciát and get all the way to analysis of discourses (see eg Harris 1955).. But even in Saussure's doctrines floor polisher most loyal Copenhagen floor polisher school starts from the analysis of specific text in the linguistic floor polisher analysis (see eg Hjelmslev 1953.). More conspicuously different from the principles floor polisher of Saussure's concept of generative grammar, Chomsky and Saussure, language, grammar, language, science, his views by no means identical to each other. [3] Chomsky (1964) rejects Saussure (1967, 26-35) static conception of language, namely, to produce the language, signs systematic totality of elements involved, steady turns and limited set of finite type structure. The language defining the Chomsky-native speakers of Creativity starts from who, relying on their linguistic ability of an infinite number of new sentences are able to create, or have never heard of sentences processed. Based on this, Chomsky (1957, 13) the language of a finite number of rules, floor polisher endless number of sentences set up a finite number of elements determined. The Saussure nyelvfelfogásba not fit into the rules directed creativity. Chomsky's conception of language in this regard, not those of Saussure, but Humboldtéval be related. Humboldt (1985, 80-95) that the language is not a finished product but an ongoing activity, which can be grasped by the linguistic form. The linguistic form of the rules, the laws in totality by means of a language community constantly and continuously creates language. Ontological status of the language regarding Chomsky, however, there is no difference between Humboldt and Saussure's opinion. Chomsky and Humboldt language both as an internal language, the human mind is part of Saussure and also psychic entity treats the language, which is the brain, and even the language of the society that they live in, "as the sum of all the impressions stored in the brain" (Saussure 1967 , 37). Treatment of psychological language in the holistic entity able to separate the cognitive linguistics Saussure Ianus and Chomskyan linguistics, the same position is being

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