Sunday, October 6, 2013

But the brazenness with which the lords of creation are on the ledge and run is no longer a New Yor

The world is not a urinal! | Outdoor
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Frankie's "New York, New York" how to start a cleaning business blaring from the speakers. The rotor mass is located in Staten Iceland in motion - the launch of the New York City Marathon has fallen. The amount circulated to the locked for the occasion two storey Verrazano-Narrows Bridge towards Brooklyn. The view across the Hudson River to the Statue of Liberty is breathtaking. If you are unlucky, runs on the lower level and is not only in the shade, how to start a cleaning business but also breathes the air significantly worse than those participants who race above. The culprit is not the exhaust policies of Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
The Unclean are the athletes on the upper floor. Several men standing at the railing and do their business. A urinal with a view? It MUST convey a compelling how to start a cleaning business feeling of grandeur, how to start a cleaning business hinabzupinkeln more than 200 meters - otherwise I can not explain it simply repulsiveness. how to start a cleaning business Or call the extreme challenge that awaits this little man in the canyons of New York, the need for a Nervositäts Bisi-out? So what? At the launch site - mind you only a few hundred meters before how to start a cleaning business the bridge removed how to start a cleaning business - the organizer has let up some Toitoi-loos.
But the brazenness with which the lords of creation are on the ledge and run is no longer a New York phenomenon. No matter how many quiet village, the organizers are available which runners put this arrogance in Switzerland on the day. They disappear when exiting but not discreet about in a thicket, no! They remain at the roadside stand, unpack and urinate openly over the fence into the next garden. And, although, for example, in Marathon on the track mobile toilets are available.
Gentlemen, I'm not jealous about, because as a woman I can not do so easily this business. And I have also seen naked men, because it is not. No, it's about respect, tact and consideration. Our sport does not deserve such rudeness. They bring him into disrepute. Finally, this bad habit is disgusting not only for competitors!
You make the organizers to make life difficult - they collect namely the complaints of stinky neighbors. how to start a cleaning business Who wants to be a bridge like those in New York City block for a run event, is dependent on the goodwill of the authorities. The same, unfortunately, for the Swiss roads. Often the organizers there have not an easy game, and must renegotiate sent and especially over again. No wonder that after a fun run heaps of letters of complaint angry residents eintrudeln. The "irrigated" gardens are an intolerable impertinence!
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I agree with you, it's how to start a cleaning business really disgusting how many events before the start area and is flooded after starting with the secretions of the rotor blade. But I think you are not many marathons, otherwise you would know that this is not a pure men problem. After the start of the city marathons, it also drives the ladies behind bushes or on the roadside, where they squat and relieve themselves by a few drops of extra weight and by the way, there is no better as the men. So please be fair!
Women do it much less often, so it is correct to address the main target group (men) directly. On every occasion - from Zürifest how to start a cleaning business to open - you can see rows of men standing on the edge and pee.
No, this is simply not true that women do (in sports) this much rarer. The problem is inexperienced runner / interior who have read in a magazine or on the web that you should drink 2 liters before the race. If this is the 2 liter but not about to run purely pour special how to start a cleaning business about the time before the race distribute, tells no one. Inexperienced there are men and women in equal numbers, and then when I think to myself that the proportion of women in a Zürimarathon maybe 20%, there are proportionately more men than women do not water the side of the road.
It is indeed a bad habit gruusige what is urinating wildly at your starting area and along the slopes. These two observations. If you look behind bushes how to start a cleaning business and in courtyards, one can see wild women urinate. how to start a cleaning business So it is not a purely männersp

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