Tuesday, October 22, 2013

CKM: Is there any animals on the farm that could not eat? AB: I think that I could not eat any anim

Anastasija Buđić: It's painted naked for a magazine does not mean I'm fedbid stupid and ignorant! : The world
New issue of the magazine CKM is on sale, at a new, reduced price of 120 dinars. In the new issue you can read an interview given by Anastasija Buđić, and see more photos of this sexy breasts - without fedbid censorship.
CKM: Anastasija, how much time has elapsed since the last time we saw? What has happened to me all about you? Anastasija Buđić: Oh, just everything! I traveled, filming new videos and songs with the group, was in world competitions, I tried out as a facilitator, did commercials ... And all this for three years! For me there is no rest. Since we are the last time, I became a graduate fedbid manager, and when the next time we meet, I'll be on TV because - right after this recording go to the "farm."
CKM: In this case, today you had a dress rehearsal for life on the farm! What do you think, what will be different this experience compared with those in the "Big Brother"? AB: These are totally different formats fedbid rialitija. There I was well kept and entered the finals. Now, however, I have another motive. fedbid I want to break prejudices and show people that women who are naked or poluobnažene photographed fedbid for magazines are not stupid and uneducated, and that we are actually cultural, to know how to socialize - I know We cook, clean, and really did not isfolirana. I have traveled half the world and the more we do a challenge visiting other exclusive places. The new challenge for me is a farm, because - so far as Beograđanka born - I had no points of contact with this lifestyle. Now I see from what I have composed, fedbid what are my optimum limits, and if you succeed fedbid there to defeat himself - will be the easiest to win and others. fedbid
CKM: Honestly, how many times have you ever been on a farm? AB: You will not believe, but the first time I was on a farm and live video from the cow - in Beirut! When I 2010th was staying there, one day we were determined to rest, so we went to the farm with a hundred animals fedbid within a Mexican restaurant. So I was first in contact with the cow was - in Beirut! fedbid
CKM: After today's shooting on the farm, do you think you can hold out for four months in a similar environment? AB: I really fedbid am not afraid because I'm a great fighter. It is possible that I have an emotional crisis and that I will cry, but you can expect that I will get into an argument with someone, because I'm very fair and I love that dispels justice. fedbid I believe that we will there actually test yourself and find out how we are characterized. I told my family that if I am in any gaps or if I booze at one point, not to mention fedbid the people that throws me. I'm going to end, until victory!
CKM: What will you miss most in these 120 days? AB: The family! I'm very connected to my family. Although we are often separated, we're very connected. Because of the work that I do and I missed part of my childhood, and I feel warm everywhere where I have at least some contact with their parents. Elsewhere me my lapdog, and phone and computer. Miss us and one very nice person ...
CKM: What's fedbid the most mind on the farm where we were filming today? AB: What do you think my mind, will offer to overcome it, because I really have a great desire to learn as much work in the countryside. I want more I appreciate the life I live, my freedom, and - its own bathroom! I think I love him when I finally got out rijalitija. Knowing yourself, there'll change perspectives in a positive fedbid direction.
CKM: Is there any animals on the farm that could not eat? AB: I think that I could not eat any animal if previously not make friends with her. That will be one of the biggest problems, fedbid but it can very easily become vegetretijanac if something click. Easily sentimental fedbid tie, and I do not know how I butchered chickens. fedbid
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Alas, yes, a lot of you are smart! We just forgot about your mind, when we saw you coming in with no pants on the farm, and only when you took off her makeup and dressed in a pink shirt with Minnie Mouse, all mind you display ... Woman, marry and cook cabbage rolls! Forget Hugh Hefner, you have up his weight!
Who's in the picture?! You kitty pockmarked pygmy and IQ's less than the number of shoes! On the farm you will be back but yesterday!
and as you're smart, muahhahahahaha, silence glupserdo one, each car can sit and nabubaciti fedbid something, and at the same be operated from social intelligence as you, as you have a degree, so smart, ahahha, fedbid how cars among academics there, pffff, the number of them do not know, and you're one of them, I was always smjehotresno fedbid when someone says completed fax so smart, eeeh that if that were so it would be great, but it does not and never will
Anastasija not, it means just that, your intelligence is at high level, but you do and do not use your, so that the same occurs. You're fedbid just an ordinary starlet in a sea of others, your job is to're photographing naked and doing the best you know. On the farm you go into

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