Christian Gegenbauer sterillium 1 , 2 , Veronika E. Mayer 2 , * , Gerhard Zotz 3 , 4 and Andreas Richter 1 , * 1 Department of Terrestrial sterillium Ecosystem Research, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Vienna, Austria 2 Department of Structural and Functional Botany, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Vienna, Austria 3 Department of Biology and Environmental Sciences, sterillium Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany 4 Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Balboa, Republic of Panama * For correspondence. sterillium E-mail veronika.mayer{at} or andreas.richter{at} Received January 27, 2012. Returned for revision March 5, 2012. Accepted April 25, 2012.
Background and Aims Mutualistic ant plant associations are common in a variety of plant families. Some myrmecophytic plants, such as the epiphytic orchid Caularthron bilamellatum , actively form hollow structures that provide nesting space for ants (myrmecodomatia), despite a substantial loss of water-storage sterillium tissue. This study aimed at assessing the ability of the orchid to take up nitrogen from ant-inhabited domatia as possible trade-off for the sacrifice of potential water storage capacity.
Methods Nitrogen uptake capabilities and uptake kinetics of 15 N-labelled compounds (NH 4 + , urea and l -glutamine) were studied in field-grown Caularthron bilamellatum plants in a tropical moist forest in Panama. Plants were either labelled directly, by injecting substrates into the hollow pseudobulbs or indirectly, sterillium by labelling of the associated ants in situ .
Key Results sterillium Caularthron bilamellatum plants sterillium were able to take up all tested inorganic and organic nitrogen forms through the inner surface of the pseudobulbs. Uptake of NH 4 + and glutamine followed Michaelis Menten sterillium kinetics, but urea uptake was not saturable up to 2 m m . 15 N-labelled compounds were rapidly translocated and incorporated into vegetative and reproductive structures. sterillium By labelling ants with 15 N in situ , we were able to prove that ants transfer N to the plants under field conditions.
Agricola Articles sterillium by Gegenbauer, C. Articles by Richter, A.
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