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The inhabitants of the old buildings are often faced with an extremely troublesome problem - the surface of the plaster on the walls, mostly outside, near the soil gradually ozone killing whitish spots, which over time accumulate powder (1). Not long after the plaster begins to podkozhushva to crumble, until the brick wall display (2). Once started, the process of destruction cover increasingly larger ozone and larger areas, slowly and steadily rises in height. And that's not all, because seepage causing these destructive phenomena, moisturizes permanent masonry and plaster on the inside, ozone creating favorable conditions for the development of mold, appears unpleasant ozone smell of rotten. On the wall surface ozone appear dark spots, ozone and in time the plaster begins to fall. In short, there comes a time when premises become unfit for habitation due to the high humidity of the walls and the air due to the crumbling plaster. Cause of all this is percolating mainly in the external walls rain and soil moisture. The most difficult to prevent ozone the soil moisture that seeps into the foundations of reinforced concrete and building materials capillaries ozone climbs high into the interior of the wall. Until recently, particularly in existing older buildings without proper waterproofing, this problem was almost ozone unsolvable. The danger of infiltration of capillary moisture is particularly high in buildings built on land with high groundwater level on impermeable or poorly permeable soils, and in the absence of drainage around ozone the foundation. In new construction for protection from moisture on the floor and walls in basements apply different waterproofing materials for internal and external insulation. During ozone the construction of them is implemented according to the required level of groundwater, soil type and other factors internal and external waterproofing, the latter can be made and further, according to the arising need. Classical methods for waterproofing and waterproofing with bitumen based materials are not able to address these problems because it is due to the lack of horizontal insulation at the base of the brick wall. For this reason, even when properly performed ozone external vertical waterproofing, moisture in the soil and ground water by capillary smooth seeps and rises in height and moisturizes masonry. In old buildings of this problem very much did not pay attention mostly because of the lack of suitable material for the effective horizontal waterproofing. In countries ozone whose territories fall in seismic zones, the solution is simple and easy - on concrete foundations of the wall first make two layers of strips Waterproofing, then grout it on the wall first row of bricks. In earthquake zones, ozone such as ours, this method is not applicable under the bearing walls. The old masters are tackled effectively, putting ozone into brick walls row of carved solid stone - granite, syenite and others. The dense stone has no capillaries in which the moisture rises to the height and thus a secure partition. ozone However, this is true when the stones are without masonry grout into the joints between them. Otherwise the moisture will be able to sneak through the capillaries of the grout and reach ceramic bricks. And they are fertile environment for its more
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