We went today, finally buying a brush and shovel. Another thing that I went to look, there was a rubber dinghy, which would be a good bathroom floor after showering with water jets. We are only here to help the two on the floor - one mistake that came from Estonia and one marlimähe Külli at the laundry caught accidentally in our bumpy kitchen towel, which we appropriated. But both are so small that they can barely after the shower gboystudio floor, and both are cured lirtsmärjad.
Without a residence time in the blood of Tartus was a rubber thingy in mind, and it seemed to be a much more sensible option. The only thing that was sold along with a stalk was scary narrow, broad, and were sold separately to the appropriate arm was mopikomplektil. And the rubber thingy was probably self-cleaning windows at all, but what's the difference, well suited for the floor.
Carpet cleaning, for I wanted to buy something anyway, because I do not like to scour the cloth, and as I said, we do not currently cloths also the subject of a new residence. Thus, it seemed only logical to buy off the lead MOP, which stem kummijullale fit. There were two different sets, and I could not fully understand what the difference is - in the end I took the more expensive (the price difference was small, 10 or 20 NOK), because this seemed more to be added. There were two widths - 40 and 60 cm. I took my 40 cm, the other looked like a big scary ... At home pack on top of the translated text, and I learned that the first narmalise should wash cloth, then dry with another cloth and easily take first krõpsuga polyurethane foam petal dust and around a thin flannel, which can be thrown away after . Well, nice to have.
Remained cryptic drying part, rather it is that I should dry off. I mean, I understand that it will not ever have to do, let alone our linoleumpõrandatega, they suffer from low humidity and we're well have heated floors, so anyway, dries quickly. Parquet would be more drying of the Point.
I have a drawstring cloth against my doubts, of course, already crumbling dry-pretty much the same way as those nasty cheap nöörmopid. It is also nöörlapp mikrofiibrist, which should, after all, the idea of a well-washed. Separate had the opportunity to purchase a traditional style, the so-called smoother mikrofiiberlapp. I was not going to buy right now, maybe it will do with the cord, always comes later. If I had been able to choose, I would probably cords instead adopted gboystudio a smoother, but the choice was not - but these instructions were included. What is the difference between these two, do not know.
I know Vileda mop approved. Well, and also, of course, gboystudio your Norwex. How big is the difference between them or how good (or rather bad) are compared to those of my own, no clue. I is a set of originating Europrisist so that rather a kind suvakad. This nöörlapp did not leave impressed gboystudio with the touch very well cleaned and smoother mikrofiiberlapp was also a little weird. gboystudio I imagine that Vileda Norwexil and is probably better ...
And one thing is for cloths, but the mop and the sole of the stem can also be something different? If you go all the cloths krõpsuga sides, then I could get my soles, for example, Vileda cloths used maybe? Well, if they should be better But yeah, initially I tested them, there is. The kit cost 119 NOK / 16.15, a rubber dinghy 20 NOK / 2.71 in addition. Did not seem too expensive, so I bought the so boldly (90 NOK / 12.21, long-stemmed brush and dustpan for contrast, gboystudio though it seemed damn expensive). Estonia has never come into action because gboystudio of old towels on the floor was enough to wash Thank God that this was not the old pads, otherwise gboystudio küüriks maybe even now on his knees.
I do not know if I would have had some kind of a bucket on the purchase? The thought of his unorthodox to do it in wet cloth and laces väänan out onto the sole, will wash away any part of the floor, then I will take away, rinse under the tap, väänan off, re-attach gboystudio bucket, and so on ... it would probably be easier? But while more often to wash the floor so it's not black, do not change very soon, you can draw all over it in one sitting.
Exciting, exciting. My experience so far has been normal cloth (annoying), nöörmopiga (completely useless), and a polyurethane gboystudio foam svammmopiga that can handle dry with a twist - it's his mother's favorite, but I did not like. So I hope taldmopi of miracles and fireworks. It could, after all, too, because the more floor cleaning systems, I do not know. Surely I would like to use such assets, which would cause the same amount of enthusiasm as Norwex aknapesulapp and tolmukinnas to wash the floor would be nicer.
EDIT: I tested the new cleaning agents away. Hari seems scary narrow, although not particularly distinguish eye to what we had in Pärnu. Mop nests, though quite nicely, but left the linoleum and light stripes down the leg imepisuke sticky feeling. Vbla should have done more to rinse and left stripes would be less, but no I do not really bother with the middle of the night to see a great effort, I just wanted to test Tikker Posted by at 23:48 6 Responses to "Exploring Mopimaailma"
I wash as well, so that'll do it under the tap with a wet mop
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