Sunday, February 16, 2014

- In society 853 the misconception that there is no urgent need for printed books in Braille, becau

"Touch the words" 853 "Literature. The modern Ukrainian literature. Comprehensive literary portal
Read the book review of Love should always, not just for Valentine's Day. We offer you 10 books that will be a great gift to your loved ones and family to February 14. 1. Max Kidruk "Love and piranhas" Let's start with the optimistic and cheerful book "Love and piranhas", though it begins tragically. Few of Ukrainian writers can [...]
Word reader Bodya Motluk Write miniature work on "Only labor deprives us of three large ... Bodya Motluk only work saves us from three great evils - boredom and something there to write ... Julia Nimanchuk Ibsen Henrik" Doll House "History of family happiness Recently ... Dmitry Shvets correct immediately on your calendar, 853 December 28, 1978 he died not Sergeev, ... Olga Kuznetsova45 if translated in Russian, the "mыslenno", "of itself" and so on, and if ...
Michael Brynyh. Shydevry vkrayinskoyi literature. 853 Reader 853 Dr. Padlyuchcha. Volume 1. - K.: Laurus, 2013. - 264 p. This book has received publicity in literary circles. One website published a number of reviews of "Shydevry ..." and an interview with the author. They write about it, mostly young critics, seeing Optional vision of classical Ukrainian literature and biographies of the authors. And [...]
Louis Braille was born in 1809 in an artisan in a small town near Paris. At the age of three with the boy suffered an accident that resulted in a gradual loss of vision. The family 853 decided to deal with complex ailments: father fashioned for Louis tablets with a special relief, in which he taught the alphabet. Later the boy learned to write, and the seven-year age even able to go to school. Excellent skills and tremendous performance Louis gave little result - parents sent her son to the Royal Institute for Blind Children. Study has been prepared there by listening and memorizing material, writing virtually absent. The number of specialized books in the library of the Royal Institute published on leading methods while Valentine Hauy was miserable. Besides the books written by these letters were too heavy and hefty in size, so the time and physical effort in reading had to spend a lot. Then twelve Louis Braille began experimenting with the font. At fifteen young man has created his own alphabet for the blind, he was also able to adapt to the system musically literate. In 1829 he released the first Braille book, in which the possibility of opovidalosya invented his Braille. A new method with great enthusiasm the students perceived the Institute for the Blind, 853 but professors and officials were slow to implement it. Only in 1854 the Braille method was officially recognized in France, and later in other European countries. In 1878 at the World Congress 853 in Rome Braille was adopted as the most convenient method of reading and writing for the blind. 853
In the method of writing and reading for the blind and there is an urgent need today - despite the modern technologies to reproduce the text by sound recording and later use. On an unusual project "Touch the words", in which were published for five children's books published in Braille, says editor in chief of the publishing house "Grani-T" Elena Movchan:
- Social project "Touch the words" organized and is initiated by the publishing house "Grani-T" has no analogues in Ukraine. 853 It takes place in three stages: first - print books contemporary 853 Ukrainian writers in Braille, the second - a free transfer these books to specialized libraries for the blind and boarding schools where children are taught the blind and visually impaired children, and the third - the organization of meetings of boarding schools boarding with writers. The project is designed not only to enable 853 blind children to read the same books, reading their peers, but also to draw attention to general problems of children and adults with visual impairments.
- Acquainted with the biography of Louis Braille, I was struck by a difficult path that had overcome the great inventor. It is difficult to discover - but even harder to put it into practice, let alone a blind man. If you talk about the world of modern technology, it may seem that perception by hearing 853 information is now much more comfortable than before, and because the number of audio books that are happy to listen 853 to sighted people, it can solve the problem. Olena, whether modern technology can replace Braille, and what the specifics of books published this font?
- In society 853 the misconception that there is no urgent need for printed books in Braille, because 853 there are audio books, which are much cheaper to burn, they are compact and easy to use. However, the book for the blind person is as important as it is for sighted because without Braille person with low vision may not be literate. Read the book and listen to it

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