Friday, March 14, 2014

Maggots janissary. Orthodox people of Ukraine with Russia. LIVESTOCK janissary make this hell, on t

Simmering political tensions in Ukraine could cause an interruption in the supply of Europe's gas, said in a statement Gazprom, skip bins which transmits ITAR TASS, adding that the company would do whatever is necessary to reduce export risks.
Russian Foreign skip bins Minister Lavrov Segej said today that an unacceptable threat to the account of Russia, who in a series of public statements made U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry regarding the recent events in Ukraine and Crimea.
Not wanting to burden to try to understand the complex processes that take place in the Ukrainian society and to objectively skip bins assess the situation after the violent takeover of power in Kyiv by radical extremists, Keri manipulate the patterns of the "cold skip bins war" and suggested that "being punished" those who do not committing a coup d'etat, but Russia, Lavrov said, according to the Russian Embassy.
Pro-Russian forces in the Crimea claim to have seized about 400 kilograms of explosives were trying to smuggle two supporters of the new government in Kiev. Besides the explosives in the truck were found hand grenades and guns, appears Rasa tudej.
The representative skip bins of the Russian forces said that they are "accustomed to the daily charges on the use of force against Ukrainian forces, but that efforts to provoke a conflict skip bins will not work", reported the Interfax news agency.
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medevedev talked today about Ukraine with U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden, a telephone interview was conducted at the initiative of U.S. officials, said in a statement from the office of the Russian prime minister.
Responding to reporters' questions about the possible introduction of economic sanctions the United States to Russia, as well as the review of Russia in Christendom "G8" press secretary Natalia Timakova said that this had not been discussed during Medvedev's talks with Biden. skip bins
Russia intercepted American UAV over Crimea
3 mart in 2014. at 21:39
Putine hit by Acacia, capture territory, skip bins and then negotiate. The West is preparing to attack Moscow, because the more you accuse skip bins western scum, to their ambitions and aggression increased. Because it says my brother, just rokaj.
Nice man said period and recorded. Let me and I see images and to look forward to
- Russian ruble to its lowest level against the dollar - the Moscow Finance stock exchanges fell 11% - Russia spent a $ 10 billion to keep further decline in underwear - Price Olympics in Sohiju were $ 51 billion. The stock market took a $ 58.4 billion so far only
Germany has a good economic cooperation with Russia, but Merkel said after answering. talks with Putin, that this man is not in touch with reality than live in their own world. Otherwise Germany sanctions are not in the interests of Russia.
How do you answer that question, it is not a single (non) man. They are few in this đumezu, drink Coke and eat fried potatoes skip bins written pizdarje wherever they can, all day long. Earnings just for Coke and fried potatoes. These should be ignored, for their own good, because he'll kill them the food ... imagine what they look like, fat and trombljavi, and had discovered that asking for faith, you better ask for high blood pressure.
Maggots janissary. Orthodox people of Ukraine with Russia. LIVESTOCK janissary make this hell, on the orders of their rulers from the west. SMRT Kler fascists. Aloud from Skopje. FORWARD RUSSIA!.
kandax - These are primarily western projection. - More expensive dollar shows that the citizens of Russia skip bins increasingly buying dollar stim American and Western goods. and noticing that Russia needs $ 10 billion is not real money printed without coverage - expected a decline not only of Moscow skip bins but of all the world's stock market, where the bulk threaten war, but most time lost tycoons and international financial oligarchy, not the people - the real cost of the Olympics was about 10 billion dol.ostali 40 billion dol invested in capital facilities, and Sochi is a remote hamlet has become an attractive tourist center throughout the year. Took $ 60 billion decline in stock market? Jeodneo Where them? Companies are still Rusiju.Najviše lose tycoons and various mutual funds most of the West who speculate on berzi.A these tycoons are sponsored by a variety of "resistance and the orange revolution" I see a parrot repeating the words of Satan - as when a dog barks at Lava - sanctions on Russia, are you normalan.Zabrane export? order will prohibit the export to Russia for instance in Iran or China, India etc. This you see Gazprom interrupts the delivery gasa.Merkelova and Keri and you and everyone else as you've lost touch with reality - zabegali you, because themselves impose sanctions not Russia.
New York Times writes lies. Merkel did not say anything even close to that. That's a first. Secondly, it is not at all difficult to attack someone else's stock, but should zapamptiti skip bins - these things are coming back. The story of Kostanj Olympics is pure propaganda. Russia has built the infrastructure of Sochi, because it's summer resort and winter attractions. Russia planning builds and restores other cities, so it's just a part of the urban development plan. A western propaganda has become almost more of a Crude

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